WordPress functions help sheet

I’m a fan of WordPress.

I started using it a couple years ago and from then on I’ve applied it to almost every website I’ve developed. Its capacities are just huge, plus it has an enormous community willing to help you out whenever you get stuck.

Today via Design:Float I came across this nifty help guide that the guys from DBS Interactive just released for free.

A list eith several functions you’ll use oftenly when it comes to create or edit your templates on WordPress.

I’m sure it’ll come in handy to more than one out there.

The KDU: featured members interviews

KDU Interviews

Down at the Keystone Design Union headquarters everyone is always busy with the pile of work that keeps on coming in, however, good ol’ coleague David Harris (A.K.A. SON) has been taking the time to interview a few of our family’s featured members.

So far he’s gotten his chat on with Neil Duerden, Nelson Balaban and more recently Pawel Nolbert.

Pretty cool interviews to get to know and see what different members from around the globe are up to.

Stay sharp for interviews to come down at the KDU global news site.

Design salaries 2007 survey


The fellas over at Coroflot take a yearly survey to designers from different areas and places all over the world. It’s purpose is to answer different questions regarding salaries throughout countries, creative fields, specialities, etc.
The image shown above shows the yearly income around the world for a designer in year 2007. For our short-sighted friends around here, the country with the lowest yearly income is Brazil with US$25,869, and the one with the highest is India with US$65,262 a year.
Be sure to check the survey to see several other interesting charts as well as prior years’ surveys.