Interview with Garnet Hertz


Hertz makes robots controlled by cockroaches, video game systems that you can literally drive around, he gives talks about Zombie Media and has just crafted a magazine about critical technical practice and critically-engaged maker culture that puts us all (us being media people) to shame continue

Under Black Carpets


Ilona Gaynor’s new project, works with police reconstructions, cinematic culture and with ‘Forensic Aesthetics’ to design the perfect bank robbery. And i don’t know how she did it but she managed to convince the FBI New York Dept of Justice and the LAPD Archival Department to help her in her study continue



In Prager’s part film noir, part fashion shoot work, heroines wear impeccable make-up, pose as if they were in a Hitchcock movie, breathe through an atmosphere worthy of David Lynch, and are submitted to ordeals inspired by the images of crime photographers Weegee and Enrique Metinides. The stories might take place in Hollywood-like settings but they promise to never end on a happy note continue

Interview with Justin Lui


Justin is pursuing responsive media in the physical world, exploring the intersection between media technology and architecture, in order to produce programmed and interactive spaces that act at the scale of the spectator’s body continue

Fragile Machine of the day


Untitled Fragile Machine, seen last week at Arthur Ganson’s very charming Long Now seminar titled Machines and the Breath of Time. continue

A visit to UCLA Department of Design | Media Arts, part 2


One week before the MFA Exhibition, here are a couple more works i discovered when i met the students of Department of Design | Media Arts at UCLA in Los Angeles continue

A visit to UCLA Department of Design | Media Arts, part 1


While i was in Los Angeles ealier this month, i had the great opportunity to visit the UCLA Department of Design | Media Arts and chat with some of the students. The department educates designers and artists for the information age by teaching the fundamentals of Design, Media, and the Arts, and encouraging experimentation and innovation continue

Art of Two Germanys, Cold War Cultures


A remarkable exhibition at LACMA in Los Angeles traces the paths followed by a Germany split in two after World War II. Each side developed distinctive versions of modern and postmodern art–at times in accord with their political cultures, at other times in opposition to them. I knew i would get a powerful lesson of history but i was not expecting the show to be so overwhelmingly good continue

Postopolis, Day 1


Highlights of Day one includes postborder city, gardening instead of mowing the lawn, temperature architecture, adventures in Kazakhstan and live interviews. Do not forget to bring on the blankets tonight. It’s freezing up there on the roof top continue

Temporal : The Art of Stephan Doitschinoff


Having this dream of painting a whole town, Brazilian street artists Calma traveled to Lençóis (Bahia) and started painting murals onto villagers’ houses. He soon ended up painting the inside of a chapel and even tombstones in the cemetery. continue

Reminder: Postopolis Los Angeles


Join us in Los Angeles for a series of discussions, interviews, slideshows, panels, talks, and presentations about architecture, landscape, urbanism, art and space continue