Animal Liberation: Bobby Calf

Animal Liberation: Bobby Calf

Every year 1 million five-day old calves are slaughtered to supply the veal market. Please reconsider your order of veal products.

Advertising Agency: Ideaworks, Australia
Art Director / Copywriter: Kevin Bathman
Photographer: Animal Liberation
Published: January 2008

Animal Liberation: Mascara

Animal Liberation: Mascara

Every year 6 million animals are killed from cosmetic testing. Please boycott animal-tested products.

Advertising Agency: Ideaworks, Australia
Art Director / Copywriter: Kevin Bathman
Photographer: Cris Cordeiro
Retoucher: Andre Matkovic
Published: April 2008

Animal Liberation: Lipstick

Animal Liberation: Lipstick

Every year 6 million animals are killed from cosmetic testing. Please boycott animal-tested products.

Advertising Agency: Ideaworks, Australia
Art Director / Copywriter: Kevin Bathman
Photographer: Cris Cordeiro
Retoucher: Andre Matkovic
Published: April 2008

Animal Liberation: Compact

Animal Liberation: Compact

Every year 6 million animals are killed from cosmetic testing. Please boycott animal-tested products.

Advertising Agency: Ideaworks, Australia
Art Director / Copywriter: Kevin Bathman
Photographer: Cris Cordeiro
Retoucher: Andre Matkovic
Published: April 2008