Colgate Palmolive: Eliminate premature wrinkles

Colgate Palmolive: Eliminate premature wrinkles

It’s never been easier to make unsightly wrinkles a thing of the past. All you have to do is follow these three simple steps. 1 Treat, 2 Wash, 3 Condition.

Advertising Agency: IdeaWorks, Sydney, Australia
Creative Director: Jono McCauley
Art Director: James Gali Barrow
Copywriter: Stuart Vidler
Photographer: Neil Bailey
Other additional credits: Debbie Heap
Published: May 2008

Colgate Palmolive: Reduce the visible signs of aging

Colgate Palmolive: Reduce the visible signs of aging

Humanity’s endless quest for the secret of prolonging youth is now over. All you have to do is follow these three easy steps. 1 Treat, 2 Wash, 3 Condition.

Advertising Agency: IdeaWorks, Sydney, Australia
Creative Director: Jono McCauley
Art Director: James Gali Barrow
Copywriter: Stuart Vidler
Photographer: Neil Bailey
Other additional credits: Debbie Heap
Published: May 2008

Colgate Palmolive: Stop your bottom sagging

Colgate Palmolive: Stop your bottom sagging

Since the dawn of time people have searched for ways to stop their bottoms from sagging. Thankfully, you can now do it in three easy steps. 1 Treat, 2 Wash, 3 Condition.

Advertising Agency: IdeaWorks, Sydney, Australia
Creative Director: Jono McCauley
Art Director: James Gali Barrow
Copywriter: Stuart Vidler
Photographer: Neil Bailey
Other additional credits: Debbie Heap
Published: May 2008

Colgate Palmolive: Remove unsightly blemishes

Colgate Palmolive: Remove unsightly blemishes

Whether you want to remove unsightly blemishes, or stop your bottom sagging you can reduce the visible signs of aging in three easy steps. 1 Treat, 2 Wash, 3 Condition.

Advertising Agency: IdeaWorks, Sydney, Australia
Creative Director: Jono McCauley
Art Director: James Gali Barrow
Copywriter: Stuart Vidler
Photographer: Neil Bailey
Other additional credits: Debbie Heap
Published: May 2008

Animal Liberation: Bobby Calf

Animal Liberation: Bobby Calf

Every year 1 million five-day old calves are slaughtered to supply the veal market. Please reconsider your order of veal products.

Advertising Agency: Ideaworks, Australia
Art Director / Copywriter: Kevin Bathman
Photographer: Animal Liberation
Published: January 2008

Animal Liberation: Mascara

Animal Liberation: Mascara

Every year 6 million animals are killed from cosmetic testing. Please boycott animal-tested products.

Advertising Agency: Ideaworks, Australia
Art Director / Copywriter: Kevin Bathman
Photographer: Cris Cordeiro
Retoucher: Andre Matkovic
Published: April 2008

Animal Liberation: Lipstick

Animal Liberation: Lipstick

Every year 6 million animals are killed from cosmetic testing. Please boycott animal-tested products.

Advertising Agency: Ideaworks, Australia
Art Director / Copywriter: Kevin Bathman
Photographer: Cris Cordeiro
Retoucher: Andre Matkovic
Published: April 2008

Animal Liberation: Compact

Animal Liberation: Compact

Every year 6 million animals are killed from cosmetic testing. Please boycott animal-tested products.

Advertising Agency: Ideaworks, Australia
Art Director / Copywriter: Kevin Bathman
Photographer: Cris Cordeiro
Retoucher: Andre Matkovic
Published: April 2008