Festival Nikon

Dans le cadre du Nikon Film Festival voici le thème “Je suis l’avenir”. Proposant aux participants “140 secondes pour montrer en HD l’avenir que vous rêvez, redoutez ou attendez”, le concours est ouvert aux votes usqu’au 15 janvier. Fubiz, partenaire officiel, a sélectionné 4 vidéos.








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AMI, International Medical Association: Myanmar

AMI, International Medical Association: Myanmar

AMI needs all of us to help the Myanmar victims.
It’s everybody’s turn to help.

Advertising Agency: Y&R Portugal
Creative Directors: Pedro Ferreira, Judite Mota
Art Director: Pedro Ferreira
Copywriter: Judite Mota
Photographer: Image Tap / Lusa
Post production: Andy Wagner
Published: June 2008

AMI, International Medical Association: China

AMI, International Medical Association: China

AMI needs all of us to help the China earthquake victims.
It’s everybody’s turn to help.

Advertising Agency: Y&R Portugal
Creative Directors: Pedro Ferreira, Judite Mota
Art Director: Pedro Ferreira
Copywriter: Judite Mota
Photographer: Image Tap / Corbis
Post production: Andy Wagner
Published: June 2008