Peugeot uses naked, cheating man to sell the 208

BETC has created an interactive choose-your-own-adventure style video titled “Let Your Body Drive”. Follow a cheating guy trying to escape and “let his body drive” in true French fashion.

See it at

Dignity Institute, talking bones DM images

While you can watch the case study explanation of the “talking bones” campaign here, the x-ray records need to be seen on their own. The x-rays are of Arta, Adnan and Fideles bones, revealing the torture that their bodies have suffered through. Arta’s, Adnan’s and Fidele’s stories were then recorded onto vinyl, which had the X-ray of them on it. You’d see the damage and hear the stories at the same time.

Wunderman Creative Director creates baby case study to announce paternity leave

As a Creative Director, taking even a day off seems like it’s impossible as you’d be asked for input on things, emailed, called up and texted either way. So what do you do when you need to be out of the office for a month? Well, since it’s the Creative Director of Wunderman Portugal, Luís Coelho paternity leave, he had a creative solution to explaining his absence. He would be Out Of the Office to attend to his latest work in progress, his daughter Sofia – and he has the case study board to prove it.

Congratulations Luís Coelho and Mom, Sofia is adorable.

Café Pelé's coffee is so fresh they packed it in the daily newspaper

To show that your product is packed every day and is so fresh Café Pelé had a brilliant idea, they simply packed their coffee in the daily newspaper.

Yellow Pages – Darts! – ambient, Canada

Yellow pages and Cossette Communication Marketing are at it again throwing darts around all over Toronto. Won’t SOMEBODY PLEASE think of the poor crushed pub tables!?










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HSBC – Grass Art at Wimbledon, ambient UK

HSBC – Wimbledon Artwork Ackroyd & Harvey

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Travelocity / Zuji Online Travel – The Zuji Beans promotion – Australia

Here’s an interesting twist, in order to sell travel, they sold beans. Strategic agency The Hallway teamed up with creative agency Happy Soldiers to promote Zuji travel site. The main positioning for Zuji is “a company that is ‘Helping holidays happen’” so they set out to prove it, by way of cheap beans.

Logic is, that by saving money on everyday items, you can save up some dosh for a getaway trip somewhere fun. To kickoff the campaign, Hallway/Happy Soldiers created “Zuji baked beans” and sold them for just 10c a can. They even opened a few Zuji Bean Shops in Australia’s major cities and set up Zuji Beans stalls all around the country, selling nothing but cheap Zuji Beans. There was also print, outdoor, radio, DM and online ads to let people know about the beans = save for travels connection.

read more – dead seals in ice, ambient Canada

The Canadian government authorizes the slaughter of around 270,000 harp seals in their annual commercial hunt. Now that global warming is thinning the ice, hunters can’t get close enough to the seals and use rifles from a distance. It’s hard to achieve a clean kill with a gun, so 50% of seals escape injured only to get trapped under the ice and die. Saatchi & Saatchi Paris embedded images of bloodied seals under the ice in ice rinks. The trapped seals were accompanied by a poster stating the number of mortalities and the IFAW website.

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