Microsoft "Do Anything" (2015) 3:00 (UK)
Posted in: UncategorizedMicrosoft wanted to help. And promote the Microsoft Surface. So they partnered with 25 of the UK’s most interesting bloggers, YouTubers & Instagramers, including Jim Chapman, Doug Armstrong, Roman Kemp and Emily Hartridge. The goal was to show kids all the cool stuff they could be doing for a living– as long as it involves a Surface, of course.
I’m sure it means more to the right demographic living in the UK who actually know who these influencers are, but honestly, I thought this was a great way of inspiring recent grads whether they recognize the people or not. And yeah the Surface shots were gratuitous, at least they were in situ, so to speak. Although I’m surprised the number of grads who have no idea what they want to do is that high, and I’m not sure they’d watch this spot and decide to become a fill-in-the-job based on a half a second of film. You never know, though.
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