Chevy Malibu’s “Can’t Ignore” Campaign

If you watch TV or surf the Internet at all, I’m sure you’ve seen at least some of the 2008 Chevrolet Malibu’s “Can’t Ignore” campaign. With an impressively sizeable investment in this critical launch, GM’s Chevrolet division has done everything by the book (and then some) in hopes of securing success. It has teased us with :15 spots with only a glimpse of the all-new 4-door sedan, it has roadblocked popular search engines, it has snatched key phrases from critics’ positive remarks, and even tried to be humorous in capturing our attention in a few executions.

But does it work for me? I guess a little. But, one does not easily shift feelings that have been imbedded in us for years (if not decades). One spot even uses a Car & Driver quote to dramatize a warning to the Toyota folks, “Camry beware.” I don’t think the manufacturer of the best selling car in America is all that scared. But, I can appreciate the bold attempt to strive to that gold standard set by the Toyota Camry.

Overall, the campaign has pinned its hopes that we prospective consumers cannot “ignore” this particular 4-door sedan. Is it all that different? Is it the stunning beauty that takes your breath away? Probably not. But, is it a good value? With an attractive advertised price “starting at $19,995″, this may be its best asset. The price/value relationship may allow the 2008 Malibu to be placed on the shopping list of those hundreds of thousands of us who want or need sedans. But, I’m not so sure I really can’t “ignore” Malibu and just buy another popular, high-quality sedan that has already proven itself.

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