Add AdPulp WebClip to Your iPhone

If you updated your iPhone in the last 24 hours to the iPhone Software Version 1.1.3, you’ve likely already experienced the home screen customizations with WebClips.

Just browse to with Safari. click the Plus sign at the bottom of the screen and choose “Add to Home Screen.” You’ll get the freshly squeezed icon instead of the shrunken version of the homepage that is added by default.

With one touch of the WebClip, you’ll be instantly transfered to the home page.

If you are saying to yourself, “What is the 1.1.3 software of which he speaks?” Head on over the iPhone Section on for all the update information. If you want to jump right in, fire up iTunes, connect your iPhone and Upgrade.

Note: I’d recommend a fresh Sync/Backup before running the updater, just in case. For Mac users, connect and hit Sync. For Window users, I believe you have a Tab in the iTunes interface specif to Backup.

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