Burt’s Bees Hawking Its Wares on the Corner of Instagram and Vine

Burt’s Bees and its agency Baldwin & are having fun with Instagram and Vine (as it should be).

The company is using stop-motion animation to create uber-abbreviated versions of classic novels. In Little Women, for example, one Civil War-era lip balm woman says to another, “We really are quite little.” “And each of us women,” her sister replies.

According to Marketing Daily, these new Vines are being staged by Jethro Ames, in San Francisco. Ames needs about four hours to shoot each six-second spot, after which it must go live or be discarded. No post work is possible.

Burt’s is also rolling out an Instagram campaign, featuring the company’s reclusive founder, Burt Shavitz in backwoods Maine.

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