“Matrix Resurrections” é a obra-prima que mapeia o cinema de franquia contemporâneo


Ao lado de sua irmã Lily, Lana Wachowski percorreu um caminho bem curioso em sua carreira cinematográfica. Após sequestrar todos os olhares com “Matrix”, um dos filmes mais influentes das últimas décadas, as duas diretoras continuaram o sucesso até fechar a trilogia com “Matrix Reloaded” e “Matrix Revolutions”. Tudo que veio depois, porém, foi tão …

Leia “Matrix Resurrections” é a obra-prima que mapeia o cinema de franquia contemporâneo na íntegra no B9.

Camisetas especiais para games prometem “sensação” de socos e facadas


Os fones de ouvido de realidade virtual já fornecem uma experiência bastante realista do ambiente de jogos, no entanto, recriar um abraço, por exemplo, parece um pouco distante. Ou nem tanto: pesquisadores têm se esforçado para produzir algo que ofereça a sensação do tato. Porém, no caso de jogos, isso estaria mais próximo de ser …

Leia Camisetas especiais para games prometem “sensação” de socos e facadas na íntegra no B9.

Com Feiticeira Escarlate e versão maligna, “Doutor Estranho no Multiverso da Loucura” ganha trailer


Não demorou uma semana para o Marvel Studios disponibilizar online a segunda cena pós-créditos de “Homem-Aranha: Sem Volta Para Casa”, um ato compreensível dado que o material na verdade é o trailer de seu próximo filme. Assim, nesta quarta-feira (22) o estúdio divulgou a prévia oficial de “Doutor Estranho no Multiverso da Loucura”, a segunda …

Leia Com Feiticeira Escarlate e versão maligna, “Doutor Estranho no Multiverso da Loucura” ganha trailer na íntegra no B9.

little brothers of the Poor association (Stowarzyszenie mali bracia Ubogich): Give a Christmas Eve

The campaign ‘Give a Christmas Eve’ touches on the problem of loneliness of seniors and being anonymous. In our campaign, we tell a simple story about a desperate need for closeness hidden under warmth. It is an image of loneliness painted with tenderness and sensitivity.

The National Library Board (NLB) of Singapore: Read More. Be More

he National Library Board (NLB) of Singapore through the National Reading Movement, together with creative partner Ogilvy Singapore, have launched a new campaign entitled “Read More. Be More” as part of ongoing mission to encourage people in Singapore to Read More, Read Widely and Read Together.

“Read More. Be More” campaign was developed to inspire people to read more books, both fiction and non-fiction, through the NLB mobile app and become more interesting, and in some cases, unexpectedly so.

Video of The Space Explorer | National Reading Movement

Video of The Unmasked Superhero | National Reading Movement

EA Teams With Influencer Bretman Rock to Position The Sims as ‘a Self-Discovery Tool’

With the ability to create whole virtual worlds, gaming publisher Electronic Arts (EA) has begun promoting the fourth entry into its successful gaming brand The Sims as a “self-discovery tool” by partnering with beauty influencer and social media personality Bretman Rock for its latest international campaign. The “Find Yourselves” campaign aims to promote the ability…

Year In Review 2021

Amazon, Meta, Twitter e outras empresas cancelam participação presencial na CES 2022


A CES 2022 estava garantida como evento presencial marcado para começar no dia 05 de janeiro, com apenas uma parte da feira acontecendo de forma virtual. Mas nesta semana a configuração do evento começou a mudar, após uma sucessão de cancelamentos de participações presenciais de grandes empresas. Nomes de peso como T-Mobile, Amazon, Meta, Twitter, …

Leia Amazon, Meta, Twitter e outras empresas cancelam participação presencial na CES 2022 na íntegra no B9.

Adobe demonstra projeto de software com IA que facilita edição de áudio


Quando se pensa em Adobe, o destaque fica para as ferramentas visuais. No entanto, seu software mais recente está focado em algo diferente: os áudios, mais precisamente os podcasts. Segundo o site Design Taxi, o “Projeto Shasta“, como é temporariamente chamado, visa tornar a edição de áudio uma tarefa visual fácil. Assim, em vez das tradicionais formas …

Leia Adobe demonstra projeto de software com IA que facilita edição de áudio na íntegra no B9.

eBay Motors: Let’s Ride

“Let’s Ride,” proclaims JOAN Creative’s campaign for eBay Motors, which tells the real stories of the people who form the unique communities that exist only on eBay.

JOAN focused on the insight that eBay represents a human-centered antidote to “big tech,” and designed the “Let’s Ride” campaign to celebrate the people, rather than the technology. The campaign is part of a larger platform that taps into eBay’s community to tell the true stories behind the sales.

The films star three eBay Motors contributors: J Shia, an internationally known small business owner and award-winning custom motorcycle builder; Daniel Soliz, who has been helping people learn how to fix their cars on YouTube for years; and Kimatni Rawlins, owner of Automotive Rhythms and expert in aftermarket enhancements with an emphasis on wheels.

Supercell: Brawlidays Symphony

Happy Brawlidays

The CG-animated ad wishes gamers a “Happy Brawlidays” and teases the latest game update. The one-minute spot, “Brawlidays Symphony” was produced by global creative company BUCK and involved more than 40 artists across BUCK, BUTTER Music and Sound, and Supercell’s in-house creative department.

Video of Brawl Stars Animation: Brawlidays Symphony


It’s never too late to say kind words for those who we care about the most.

Baltic people tend to be shy and introvert. Therefore, we don’t talk about our dreams and wishes, but also never say kind words out loud to our loved ones. This year Luminor Bank encourages us to break this Baltic stereotype and appreciate those who care about us and those who we care about. And start to speak.

The storyline consists of real parents’ stories about unconditional love for their children. Nothing is too difficult in this kind of love.

Messenger Adds Holiday-Themed Backgrounds, Gift Wrap to Cash Gifts via Its App

Giving cash as a gift may be boring, but there’s no reason why it can’t be festive. Messenger Wednesday introduced holiday-themed backgrounds and gift wrap for people using Facebook Pay to send cash gifts via its Android application.

Sustainability Is the Supply Chain Issue Nobody’s Talking About

Editor’s note: This piece is part of our Columnist Network series, which explores the tactical thoughts and actions from Adweek’s community of high-level experts. Today, Long Dash’s Kate Watts reviews the environmental impact of shipping and delivery services. Below, in her own words, she says a brand’s expression of values must extend to its supply…

35 Self-Care Gifts – From Soothing Intimate Skincare to Revolutionary Vibration Speakers (TOPLIST)

(TrendHunter.com) This curated list of self-care gifts aims to help shoppers and gift receivers unwind after a busy holiday season and a year full of unpredictable lockdowns. The pandemic has taught many people the…

Top trends healthcare marketers will face in 2022

Healthcare marketing in 2022 will be profoundly impacted by drug cost reduction, new healthcare providers, physician consolidation and data interoperability.

World Wildlife Foundation: A Blind Eye

World Wildlife Foundation Print Ad - A Blind Eye
World Wildlife Foundation Print Ad - A Blind Eye
World Wildlife Foundation Print Ad - A Blind Eye

We’ve mastered turning a blind eye. Try looking through a fresh pair @ www.worldwildlife.org

We as humans often have the luxury of not paying attention when we find something uncomfortable. We are so used to hearing about bad news, we have evolved to tune it out. So what’s the solution? A new perspective. It’s time we look through the eyes of those that do not have this luxury and gain a reality check in the form of a reflection. This campaign highlights three endangered animals, each looking their threat in the eye. It may be subtle, but isn’t the whole point to pay closer attention? If we do, we may even see ourselves looking back.

Doordash: DashPass Cafe

A new way to give DashPass members more value and exclusivity by allowing them access to DashPass Cafes, where they can bring their friends and order any food they want. Gone are the days of arguing with your friends over where to eat. Say hello to the new culture of eating out.

Video of DashPass Cafe – Graphis, AOTW

Martin Short Has a Dream About Lower-Cost Medicines as He Fronts SingleCare Campaign

In recent times during the global pandemic, there has not been a great deal to laugh about and–when it comes to a serious subject such as healthcare–it’s not often a topic that entertains. Medicine discounter SingleCare, however, is leaning into the opportunity to engage audiences through laughter, partnering with Emmy and Tony award-winning actor and…

The Best Agency Holiday Cards of 2021

Each year at this time, agencies send out holiday cards to their partners and clients to thank them for another year of business and show off their creativity in the process. Some are straightforward cards while others are charitable efforts and others multimedia explorations of creative cheer. The following efforts are a sampling of what…