Upfronts download: Turner targets Nielsen, Moonves skips breakfast and a millennial explains all

Welcome to our special pop-up TV upfronts newsletter. All this week I’m nothing but an upfront girl living in an upfront world. Each day in place of our usual Media Buzz newsletter, we’ll bring you breaking news about the upfronts and some of the best (and worst) of TV’s dog-and-pony show. Get it in your inbox by signing up for the Media Buzz email newsletter right here.

Turner goes to town on Nielsen

“When you buy on TV, you only get a fraction of our audience,” Turner Ad Sales President Donna Speciale told the audience at Turner’s upfronts pitch Wednesday morning, Anthony Crupi reports. “When we transact on partial viewing, we all lose.”

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See all the trailers for CBS' new shows

CBS took its turn pitching ad buyers on Wednesday afternoon, touting new shows including reboots of “Magnum P.I.” and “Murphy Brown.” Check out the previews here.



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Movistar: Tabs – Carlos

Movistar Print Ad - Tabs - Carlos

On the Internet, there are millions of suspicious profiles. According to data 1 out of 6 profiles is fake. And behind those profiles hide abusers who seek to take advantage of the innocence of a child who does not know who i son the other side of the screen.

Movistar: Tabs – Jaden

Movistar Print Ad - Tabs - Jaden

On the Internet, there are millions of suspicious profiles. According to data 1 out of 6 profiles is fake. And behind those profiles hide abusers who seek to take advantage of the innocence of a child who does not know who i son the other side of the screen.

Movistar: Tabs – Emma

Movistar Print Ad - Tabs - Emma

On the Internet, there are millions of suspicious profiles. According to data 1 out of 6 profiles is fake. And behind those profiles hide abusers who seek to take advantage of the innocence of a child who does not know who i son the other side of the screen.

Tata Pravesh: Strong Like Mom

Video of Tata Pravesh- Strong Like Mom

Volkswagen: World Cup Draw Hijack 2018

RIP Tom Wolfe, media master and literary brawler

The author Tom Wolfe, who died Monday at 88, is being remembered with a lot of richly deserved encomiums, including “genre-breaking” (NPR), “iconic” (GQ) and “pioneering” (The Guardian). The New York Times even called him “pyrotechnic” in the loveliest obit”Tom Wolfe, Pyrotechnic ‘New Journalist’ and Novelist, Dies at 88″I’ve seen so far.

Deirdre Carmody and William Grimes write that Wolfe’s …

… technicolor, wildly punctuated prose brought to life the worlds of California surfers, car customizers, astronauts and Manhattan’s moneyed status-seekers in works like “The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby,” “The Right Stuff” and “Bonfire of the Vanities” … His talent as a writer and caricaturist was evident from the start in his verbal pyrotechnics and perfect mimicry of speech patterns, his meticulous reporting, and his creative use of pop language and explosive punctuation.

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Upfronts Diary: Turner pitch features inspired lunacy, 300 boners and a call to reinvent the ad business

It was introduced in 2007 as a stop-gap measure, a compromise between media buyers and TV ad executives that was never meant to be in place for more than a year or two, and yet despite mounting dissatisfaction on both sides of the table, C3 ratings this spring will serve as the negotiating currency for the eleventh consecutive upfront bazaar.

[Insert sad trombone noise here.]

The benchmark against which some $20 billion in upfront commitments will be made in the coming weeks, C3 remains a woefully imprecise and inadequate metric. (Sloppy methodology aside, neither C3 nor its bulked-up sibling C7 account for fast-forwarding through commercials. In other words, the currency has never really measured what it’s always been purported to measure.) And while the first three days of Upfronts Week have been punctuated by a drumbeat of calls to junk the industry standard, perhaps no network sales exec has been more vocal about the need to move forward than Turner ad sales president Donna Speciale.

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Facebook Rolled Out Dynamic Ads for Lead Generation for Auto Dealers

Facebook looked to jump-start the automotive industry last November when it introduced dynamic ads and lead ads for auto, and Wednesday, the social network combined the two. In a Facebook Business post, the social network announced the availability of dynamic ads for lead generation, which enable auto dealers to combine their vehicle catalogs with lead-generation…

Jack Dorsey Says the Internet Should Have Its Own Native Currency

Jack Dorsey thinks the internet should have its own currency. According to the CEO of Twitter and Square, a digital currency that’s universal in nature could benefit both consumers and companies in the ever-evolving world of online payments. “The internet deserves its own currency,” Dorsey said today at the Consensus blockchain and cryptocurrency conference New…

Upfronts Diary: Turner pitch features inspired lunacy, 300 boners and a call to reinvent the ad business

It was introduced in 2007 as a stop-gap measure, a compromise between media buyers and TV ad executives that was never meant to be in place for more than a year or two, and yet despite mounting dissatisfaction on both sides of the table, C3 ratings this spring will serve as the negotiating currency for the eleventh consecutive upfront bazaar.

[Insert sad trombone noise here.]

The benchmark against which some $20 billion in upfront commitments will be made in the coming weeks, C3 remains a woefully imprecise and inadequate metric. (Sloppy methodology aside, neither C3 nor its bulked-up sibling C7 account for fast-forwarding through commercials. In other words, the currency has never really measured what it’s always been purported to measure.) And while the first three days of Upfronts Week have been punctuated by a drumbeat of calls to junk the industry standard, perhaps no network sales exec has been more vocal about the need to move forward than Turner ad sales president Donna Speciale.

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Sadly, Airbnb Cereal is totally inedible

We confess to getting sort of unreasonably excited upon hearing that Airbnb had launched a cereal. We imagined it would taste like adventure and daringand smell kind of like, um, maybe Glade covering up other smells that were hard to pick out? Eating it would give you the vaguely satisfying sensation that you were trespassingas if you were consuming someone else’s cereal but they were OK with it. And it would be smart cereal, tailor-made for the sharing economy. If you ever ran out, you’d just use the Airbnb app to find someone who would invite you over to eat a bowl of Airbnb Cereal at their breakfast table (for a nominal fee). And if anyone ran out of milk to douse their last few bites of Airbnb Cereal, they could use the app to come over to your place for a spash of your 2%. Or maybe cows would join the gig economy … or something.


No offense to graphic designers, who are probably super excited about this, but Airbnb Cereal is actually just a font. (Just like Netflix now has its own font.) Which means that the opportunity to totally disrupt the breakfast-cereal category remains. Paging Elon Musk! (Free idea: Shoot some Tesla Toasted Oats into space.)

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Upfronts download, Turner targets Nielsen, Moonves skips breakfast, millennial isn't buying it

Welcome to our special pop-up TV upfronts newsletter. All this week I’m nothing but an upfront girl living in an upfront world. Each day in place of our usual Media Buzz newsletter, we’ll bring you breaking news about the upfronts and some of the best (and worst) of TV’s dog-and-pony show. Get it in your inbox by signing up for the Media Buzz email newsletter right here.

Turner goes to town on Nielsen

“When you buy on TV, you only get a fraction of our audience,” Turner Ad Sales President Donna Speciale told the audience at Turner’s upfronts pitch Wednesday morning, Anthony Crupi reports. “When we transact on partial viewing, we all lose.”

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Easy: Deprived Parents

Sometimes in life, you get the chance (or perhaps we should call it excuse) to get rid of all that stuff you don’t want in your house anymore and replace it with everything you’ve always dreamed of.

Video of Easy Home improvement center – Deprived parents

Specialized Bicycles: Bike, 1

Specialized Bicycles Print Ad - Bike, 1

Specialized Bicycles: Bike, 2

Specialized Bicycles Print Ad - Bike, 2

Dos en Uno: Before and After – Hooligan

Dos en Uno Print Ad - Before and After - Hooligan

Lollipop with bubblegum inside.

Dos en Uno: Before and After – Hells Angels

Dos en Uno Print Ad - Before and After - Hells Angels

Lollipop with bubblegum inside.

Dos en Uno: Before and After – Rockstar

Dos en Uno Print Ad - Before and After - Rockstar

Lollipop with bubblegum inside.