Sadly, Airbnb Cereal is totally inedible

We confess to getting sort of unreasonably excited upon hearing that Airbnb had launched a cereal. We imagined it would taste like adventure and daringand smell kind of like, um, maybe Glade covering up other smells that were hard to pick out? Eating it would give you the vaguely satisfying sensation that you were trespassingas if you were consuming someone else’s cereal but they were OK with it. And it would be smart cereal, tailor-made for the sharing economy. If you ever ran out, you’d just use the Airbnb app to find someone who would invite you over to eat a bowl of Airbnb Cereal at their breakfast table (for a nominal fee). And if anyone ran out of milk to douse their last few bites of Airbnb Cereal, they could use the app to come over to your place for a spash of your 2%. Or maybe cows would join the gig economy … or something.


No offense to graphic designers, who are probably super excited about this, but Airbnb Cereal is actually just a font. (Just like Netflix now has its own font.) Which means that the opportunity to totally disrupt the breakfast-cereal category remains. Paging Elon Musk! (Free idea: Shoot some Tesla Toasted Oats into space.)

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