Alt-J divulga segundo single do disco novo

Depois de ganhar o Mercury Prize de 2012 com seu interessantíssimo álbum de estréia An Awesome Wave, o pessoal do Alt-J agora volta com tudo para o lançamento de This Is All Yours, que deve ser lançado em setembro.


Segundo Joe Newman, frontman da banda, houve um período complicado nos últimos meses. A saída do baixista Gwil Sainsbury abalou a confiança deles, que por muitos momentos ficaram sem saber como continuar. Mas todo o processo foi amigável e o resto do grupo reconquistou o foco para concluir o segundo disco.


Pelo que dá pra sentir de Left Hand Free, o disco vem menos experimental. O novo single é poderoso, grandioso, com uma pegada bem mais rock do que o indie que abusava dos sintetizadores no primeiro disco. Lembra até os primeiros hits do JET.


Mas não se engane: Left Hand Free tem, sim, sua dose de inventividade. O solo de órgão nos relembra o porquê de termos ficado interessados por essa banda desde o início.


Ouça (e divirta-se) no vídeo acima.



(Crédito da foto: Gabriel Green)


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Ratio conference: Insects

Ratio is the first project of the NGO “Evolutionary Sight.” The aim of Ratio is to promote the principles of scientific thinking and different scientific topics accessible in any language.

Insects open our eyes to colors.
Science is fiction.

In Bulgarian fiction also means fantastic.

Advertising Agency: Ogilvy Group, Sofia, Bulgaria
Creative Director: Anna Stilianaki
Art Director / Illustrator: Ilian Iliev
Copywriter: Yordan Petkov
Published: May 2014

Ratio conference: Birds

Ratio is the first project of the NGO “Evolutionary Sight.” The aim of Ratio is to promote the principles of scientific thinking and different scientific topics accessible in any language.

Birds are dinosaurs.
Science is fiction.

In Bulgarian fiction also means fantastic.

Advertising Agency: Ogilvy Group, Sofia, Bulgaria
Creative Director: Anna Stilianaki
Art Director / Illustrator: Ilian Iliev
Copywriter: Yordan Petkov
Published: May 2014

Ratio conference: Mice

Ratio is the first project of the NGO “Evolutionary Sight.” The aim of Ratio is to promote the principles of scientific thinking and different scientific topics accessible in any language.

Glowing mice for a bright future.
Science is fiction.

In Bulgarian fiction also means fantastic.

Advertising Agency: Ogilvy Group, Sofia, Bulgaria
Creative Director: Anna Stilianaki
Art Director / Illustrator: Ilian Iliev
Copywriter: Yordan Petkov
Published: May 2014

mcgarrybowen Brings Together TMNT, Pizza Hut

mcgarrybowen teamed up with production company Bullitt Branded (a new branded content company from the Russo Brothers) to combine the re-launch of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the re-launch of Pizza Hut’s “Cheesy Bites” in a new spot entitled “Sneaky Turtles.”

The 30-second cross-promotional spot keeps things pretty simple, relying on the appeal of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Said “Sneaky Turtles” break into a Pizza Hut test kitchen while no one is around and whip up a batch of “Cheesy Bites” — while making a complete mess. When the test kitchen chef returns, he’s pleased to discover the “Cheesy Bites” and eagerly digs in. The cross-promotion makes a lot of sense for Pizza Hut, given the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ well-known love of pizza, and using the re-launch of the Turtles on the big screen to re-launch a menu item is a nice touch, but we can’t help but feel like something’s missing. Stick around for credits after the jump. (more…)

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

Native Advertising Comes to E-Commerce

If digital publishers thought they had native advertising all to themselves, they may want to think again.

Some of the world’s biggest ecommerce sites are getting in the native game, courtesy of a partnership between native ad-tech company TripleLift, and BazaarVoice, a technology company that powers ecommerce reviews and owns an ecommerce-focused ad business as well.

“The last bastion of major web companies is now embracing native, and that group is the largest ecommerce companies in the world,” said Ari Lewine, TripleLift’s co-founder and chief strategy officer.

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LG Teams Up With Bro-tastic YouTube Network for Content Marketing Campaign

At least every other Monday afternoon, five men in their mid-20s post a new video to the YouTube channel “Dude Perfect.” It will likely depict these young men, who are collectively known as Dude Perfect, performing a jaw-dropping trick shot with, say, a basketball or pool stick, eliciting howls of approvals. Within 24 hours, the video will garner hundreds of thousands of views.

Brands such as Pringles, Nerf and Pennzoil have taken notice and begun working their products into these videos. This week, LG joined the roster, paying for the Dude Perfect team to integrate the company’s LG G3 smartphone into a five-and-a-half minute romp through the Dude Perfect office, which looks more or less like a frat house, a sporting goods store and a Dunder Mifflin satellite office slammed into each other.

“Dude Perfect accomplishes tasks that seem impossible, and we think this really fits with LG’s brand motto, ‘It’s all possible,'” Chris Yie, leader of marketing communications at LG Electronics MobileComm, said in an email. “Their content is also so lively and youthful that the younger generation is able to relate to their energy.”

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Creative Sculptures by Yoan Capote

Découvert à l’occasion d’Havana Club et de son travail Purement Cubain, Yoan Capote, un jeune artiste cubain conçoit des images paradoxales avec des connotations politiques et psychologiques. Des sculptures avec des objets inanimés, autour du corps humain. Un rendu absurde et parfois plein d’humour.


Indoor Maze in Washington

Bjarke Ingels Group ont imaginé un labyrinthe intérieur au National Building Museum de Washington dans le cadre d’une grande exposition. Le concept est simple : se perdre dans un lieu mélangeant design et interactivité. Plus d’images de ce projet sur le site et dans l’article dédié.

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Model Workout Ads – The Nike Women Fall 2014 Collection Stars an Exercising Karlie Kloss (GALLERY)

( The Nike Women Fall 2014 ad campaign is much more candid than one would expect. It follows top model Karlie Kloss as she goes through what people can only assume is a typical workout for her….

Republican Group Shrugs Off Hazing of Latest Tech Effort: .GOP

It’s become a political rite of passage: When a political party unveils a new tech-related initiative, detractors on the opposite side of the aisle inevitably pounce with parody sites and social-media lampoons. The latest hazing victim was the Republican party, after the launch of the new .gop domain.

In a novel approach to spurring adoption of centralized-digital platforms among like-minded campaigns and organizations, the Republican State Leadership Committee is the official registry for the .gop domain. What that means in practice is that the RSLC, which works to elect Republican candidates running for statewide legislative offices, is selling domain names that feature the .gop suffix. They cost $20.16 each, a nod to the next presidential election year.

Needless to say some Democrats and liberals decided it was a good opportunity to mock the Republican party’s digital evangelists again. On Tuesday, a handful of people searched the system for goof-domain names, some more juvenile than others:,, and among them. The afternoon dalliance was chronicled in a Gawker story the same day.

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Dragons' Den designer picks Now

Kelly Hoppen, the interior designer who has appeared on Dragons’ Den, has enlisted Now to promote her new homeware collection.

This Ad Agency Has 4 Monty Python Tickets For You


Brussels-based motierbrigade has four tickets to the Monty Python Live shoe in London Sunday, July 20 and they want to give them to you. All you have to do to win them is subscribe to mortierbrigade and client Spam’s “spam” email list.

You will then be inundated with three days of ridiculous emails. But somewhere within those ridiculous emails will be two winning emails each with a pair of Monty Python Live tickets.

Stop Illegal Ivory Trade by Hammer Communications India

Advertised brand: Homestead India   
Headline and copy text (in English): Last year up to 36,000 elephants were killed for their ivory. Trigger an initiative to save elephants.
Advertising Agency: Hammer Communications, New Delhi, India
Creative Director: Gaurav Bahl
Executive Creative Director: Suman Sengupta
Copywriter: Gaurav Bahl
Additional credits: Sudipto Das

The post Stop Illegal Ivory Trade by Hammer Communications India appeared first on desicreative.

Should a Criminal Past Prevent a Hire?

Category: Hire & Higher
Summary: It’s just one little box on an application. It asks if you have ever been convicted of a felony. What an applicant puts as the answer can have a big impact on a business.

If your company has never had this experience, do you know what you would do?

Advertising Q&A with a Creative Director and a Strategist

Category: Up Your Game
Summary: For this month’s article, I thought it would be interesting to interview a friend and long-time advertising creative director about the state of the industry. I then thought that it might be fun to compare his answers to mine, so below you will find my 10 questions and each of our answers.

Oystercatchers denies feedback fees

Oystercatchers has denied that it is asking agencies to pay for feedback from pitches in which they’ve been unsuccessful.

Brazilian Delights

Greco Design a créé cette boîte de bonbons aux couleurs du Brésil. Le packaging à l’ambiance festive, réalisé comme une fleur, s’ouvre comme tel, avec des pétales et la délicatesse de la matière. Un réel travail de créativité, appuyé par des illustrations donnant l’impression de gravure sur bois.

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Surreal Contradictory Sculptures – Artist Seyo Cizmic Has an Imaginative Sense of Humor (GALLERY)

( The work of Seyo Cizmic will have people scratching their heads and chuckling in no time. Surreal and contradictory, the sculptures force people to rethink the obvious in ways that are as…

Livro reúne respostas sérias para questões absurdas da ciência

Imagine suas dúvidas e hipóteses mais malucas relacionadas à ciência. Coisas do tipo “Quanta força Yoda seria capaz de produzir?”, ou ainda “O que aconteceria se todos os vírus fossem coletados em uma única área? Qual o volume que eles ocupariam e qual seria sua aparência?”. Agora, imagine se todas elas fossem respondidas em um blog por Randall Munroe, um especialista em robótica que trabalhou na NASA e hoje assina o incrível XKCD. Vá um pouco além e coloque os textos mais legais em um livro e pronto: teremos “What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions”.

Com lançamento previsto para setembro, o título também trará questões inéditas, que o autor tem trabalhado para se aprofundar mais nas respostas, assim como alguns dos textos do blog revistos e atualizados.

Para quem curte ciência de uma forma geral, vale ficar de olho para ver se o livro será lançado também no Brasil, já que Munroe já está negociando versões em outros idiomas. De qualquer maneira, o blog What If? também é imperdível.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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