Pepsi abandona Super Bowl e investe em projeto social online

Pepsi Refresh

Como foi anunciando recentemente, a Pepsi abriu mão, depois de um longo tempo anunciando, do Superbowl 2010. Ao invés de torrar quase 3 milhões de dólares em um intervalo de 30 segundos, irão investir US$ 20 milhões em um projeto social envolvendo mídias sociais (sacou?).

O “Refresh Everything” começa no dia 13 de janeiro, e convida as pessoas a colaborarem com ideias capazes de tornar o mundo melhor. No dia 1 de fevereiro, essas participações serão abertas para votação, que decidirão que ideias merecem receber a verba, dividida em montantes de 5 mil, 25 mil e 250 mil dólares. Depois dessa primeira fase, a proposta da Pepsi é que o ciclo se repita a cada mês.

Bem, uma iniciativa louvável de investir tanto dinheiro em algo mais significativo, mas a Pepsi diz que quer tornar o mundo melhor, porém o concurso só é válido para residentes nos Estados Unidos, com ideias que beneficiem os Estados Unidos.


Brainstorm #9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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If You’re Fat, Aliens Will Eat You First

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If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands. If you’re fat and you know it, slap an alien.
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Gen Y, Stop Doubting Yourself and Start Taking Action

My resolution for 2010 is to turn the person I am during those fleeting moments of confidence into the person I am all the time. There are a few things I have to remind myself when I start to lose confidence.

Os créditos finais de “Sherlock Holmes”

Sherlock Holmes End Credits

Ficou com a Prologue, da qual já falei algumas vezes aqui, a missão de criar os créditos finais de “Sherlock Holmes”, a visão em alta velocidade e energética do detetive mais famoso do mundo feita por Guy Ritchie.

Misturando referências contemporâneas com a era vitoriana no Reino Unido, os créditos transformam cenas congeladas em ilustrações em papel amarelado e uma elegante caligrafia.

Vale lembrar que a Prologue já trabalhou com Guy Ritchie em seu filme anterior, “RockNRolla”.

| Via Motionographer

Brainstorm #9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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E-Commerce Gets Better-Than-Expected Holiday Boost

NEW YORK ( — Online retailers are back in the game, with holiday sales coming in just short of 2007 levels. Given gloomy forecasts for the sector, positive growth in the most important two months of the year provided a much-needed boost following a tepid year.

Ads of the World Launches Campaign, Trumps Adrants’ Ads

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Hey we like this. Ads of the World, the compendium of of all things advertising…OK, it’s not the only ad compendium but still…has launched an ad campaign.
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Pieter Hugos Nollywood


Look what i didn’t bring you back from Rome! Pieter Hugo (of the Hyena Men fame) ‘fiction documents’ the sets of the flamboyant Nigerian film industry continue

Dr. Love to Give Dr. Pepper Super Bowl Love

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Dr. Pepper and rock band KISS are getting together to create the brand’s first Super Bowl commercial.
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Dryer No Match For NHL Hockey Player

Sort of like those weepy Olympic back story montages with a little bit of Friday Night Lights tossed in, this new work from Gotham Inc. for Reebok’s Speedwick training apparel line lets us peek inside the basement of the Cole Harbor home in which NHL player Sidney Crosby grew up.
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Old Ads Browsed, Conferences Buzzed

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Like old ads? Check out Vintage Ad Browser.
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Birth of an Avatar

Une vidéo montrant étape par étape le processus de transformation en Avatar de Peter Ammentorp, directeur artistique basé à Copenhague. Un travail sur Photoshop pendant plusieurs heures, le tout sur la bande-son extraite du film : “Becoming one of the people”.


Portfolio de Peter Ammentorp.

Previously on Fubiz

Thanks to DIY Network, Dogs Don’t Need Man

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What’s a poor unloved dog to do when he has no master to take care of him and he’s jonesing for the dog next door?
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Google’s Latest Triumph: an Apple Beatdown That’s Not iPhone-related

The buzz about Google's Nexus One phone has been so deafening that maybe you missed a bit of news about the Big G's minor triumph in another area: Its new-ish web browser, Chrome, became the third-most popular browser after Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox this past weekend. Which brings me to this week's Trendrr chart.

Advertising Has Destroyed Our Perception of the Human Body

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Do these designers actually look at their work before they are done?
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Giving Birth to a Mission to Save Kids

Ad agencies are certainly not new to the world of charitable causes. But it is rare when an agency can partner with a new cause and truly help birth an organization, watch it grow and make a difference in the world. Marcus Peterzell of Fathom Communications did just that when it joined up with Max Cure Foundation.

Macintosh Classic / Pomme C, Pomme V

applefix2001 applefix2009
On Computing “Apple Repair-Service” – 2001
Source : Cannes BRONZE Lion,
Agency : Scholz & Friends Berlin (Germany)
MacHerman “Mac Repair Service” – 12/2008
Source : Adsoftheworld
Agency : New Message Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Même idée, même mise en page… une photocopie parfaite. Et dire que l’agence qui a “conçu” cette redite s’appelle “new message”…
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The most useless wooden box machine ever

Simple viral video for the most useless wooden box in the world. You can create your own here. Advertiser: the most useless machine ever

Email marketers remain cautious for 2010

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Three New Year’s Resolutions Your Agency Needs To Make

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KidsCo secures international ad deal

LONDON – KidsCo, the children’s channel, has secured an international advertising deal with Rubies Masquerade, the world’s largest manufacturer and distributor of children’s costumes, toys and accessories.