The New Detroit Rolls Up In A Ford C-Max

Cadillac chose to feature an arrogant white man with questionable values to promote its new electric vehicle. Thankfully, Ford made a much wiser decision. It’s 2014 Ford C-MAX is introduced in the following video by Pashon Murray, founder of Detroit Dirt, a sustainability consultancy and advocacy group in Detroit.

“We’re crazy entrepreneurs trying to make the world better,” Murray establishes.

According to Detroit Free Press, Ford spokeswoman Sara Tatchio described the video as “lighthearted.” She’s correct about the tone of the ad, but the message is pretty serious.

“The C-MAX is sending a message about where we’re going in the future and caring about conserving resources. This is a movement about changing Detroit and practicing sustainability. That’s why they came at me,” Murray said, explaining how Ford’s agency Team Detroit chose her for the spot.

There is much to like here. I especially appreciate Ford saying that there’s nothing wrong with walking to the market to buy locally produced goods. This is the correct position on sustainability—buy a car from us, because you’re going to need it, but walk when you can.

Speaking honestly about transportation and natural resources takes balls when you’re a car company. It also makes mocking the French for their short work weeks and long vacations seem like some serious douchebaggery.

N’est-ce pas?

Previously on AdPulp: Howard Roark Drives a Cadillac ELR—So Can You

The post The New Detroit Rolls Up In A Ford C-Max appeared first on AdPulp.

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