The Door To Disney

The internet is a special medium for a number of reasons. For one, it devours content. It must be fed and fed and fed. Or it just peters out.

Here’s a story about it:

The Walt Disney Company, concerned that its main Web site is not entertaining enough, is moving once again to overhaul

It will be the second recent makeover for the company’s marquee site, which is still the top Internet destination for children’s entertainment but faces increasing competition from players like Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network and WebKinz.

“It’s a repositioning of our digital front door,” said Paul Yanover, executive vice president and managing director of Disney Online.

The effort, code-named “Project Playground,” is the second retrofitting of in as many years, reflecting both the difficulty the media giant has encountered online and the whiplash-fast pace at which the medium is evolving.

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