Sex, Sex, Sex

Fast Food Wars I am loving the porno wars fast food company’s have introduced into our advertising. While only a few have been spotted here in our U.S. of A, international Advertising is running ramped with the integration of food and sex.

I’m not offended — as a woman, a professional, and an advertiser. In fact, I am completely digging this. When times get desperate, living organisms seek whatever means necessary to survive. Just take a look at any of the popular “survival” shows. So, why should advertising be the exception. Hasn’t advertising always been the medium to push the envelope, to blur the line or whatever cliché you want to insert. It has. I say: “Jolly good fun!”

Starting from the Quizno’s Marlboro inspired sandwich all the way to the “put it in me” line from… wait, that’s Quizno’s too! Wow. Nothing like Subway’s major competitor to recommend sex and smoking as they compete against Jared followers. That, of course, is probably all he needed: to get laid and have a smoke (the century-old diet plan). Quizno’s isn’t the only company targeting raging hormones, as Hardee’s are Carls Jr. are also contributing more than their share of sex to advertising.

We’re so desperate to hold on to the growing competition in market share, that soon, we’re just going to show completely nude women sitting with a foot-long Subway sandwich between her legs offering a “quick and cheap” lunch option “any way you want it.”

In case you’ve missed the latest release, Burger King has decided to step up its game in the fast food wars. Since they’ve completely lost the family market to McDonald’s, they just figured they would go the completely opposite route and appeal to the sex starved males. That’s a BIG market, and why not capitalize on it? I think it’s smart of BK to restructure their targeting because they’ve truly been fighting a losing battle for a long time. You can’t beat McDonald’s. You just can’t. Let them have their family. Eventually, these kids are going to grow up and become sex starved teens and young adults, which is exactly whom The King is targeting!

Rena Prizant is a Copywriter, Ad Creative and mammal in the Chicago area, professionally word playing since 2002. Rena writes smart, engaging, dynamic copy for a broad range of mediums and industries; and loves helping start-up’s get their branding feet. Visit or Twitter WriteLeft.


Rena Prizant is a Copywriter, Ad Creative and mammal in the Chicago area, professionally word playing since 2002. Rena writes smart, engaging, dynamic copy for a broad range of mediums and industries; and loves helping start-up’s get their branding feet. Visit or Twitter WriteLeft.

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