Quit In Style for Young Guns


Young Guns have added a new category this year entitled “The Craft of Quitting” and put together a site to house the submissions. It’s best explained with their press release.

“The site calls on employees with a grudge to bear to dream up inventive ways to quit. Ideas already posted on the site include cultivating maggots in your boss’ desk drawer; corroding their collection of industry trophies; spray painting gold ‘up yours’ symbols on their office door – a fresh interpretation of the ‘golden handshake’ – or freezing the secretary’s goldfish bowl.”

You’d want to make sure you don’t actually follow through with most of these as the industry is quite small and it’s going to be tough times soon for some.

Here’s a few that have been seeded by Young Guns. Surprisingly all Vimeo instead of Youtube?

Deep Fried from Sam on Vimeo.

The Finger from Gomez on Vimeo.

What sh*t from poobandit on Vimeo.

Lock Down 2 from mister.richie1 on Vimeo.

There’s also a bunch of text only and image submissions on the site. The campaign is by Droga5 Sydney. I think Matty from there has been working on the Young Guns stuff for a while now.

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