Obama: The Brand


Politics aren’t exactly my thing, and I’m definitely not directly expressing any views or endorsing anything here. I just read through Andrew Romano’s Newsweek Blog article from last week on Why The Obama Brand is Working. I hadn’t taken the time to really step back and look at what was going on – and I’m greatful that Romano did for me. A very interesting read. He writes:

Reinforced with a coherent, comprehensive program of fonts, logos, slogans and web design, Obama is the first presidential candidate to be marketed like a high-end consumer brand. And for folks who don’t necessarily need Democratic social programs–upscale voters, young people–I suspect that the novel comfort of that brand affiliation contributes (however subconsciously) to his appeal.

Interesting to look at in those terms. And also interesting to analyze everything from a marketing campaign level rather than a political campaign standpoint. I realize there are many similarities, and that many political campaigns are purely advertising, but, as Romano points out, it’s much more than just advertising. It’s a politcian producing branding that would make most companies envious.

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