Lindsay Lohan Drinks Pepsi, Yo


Coolspotters is a new site that caters to the celebrity and brand obsessed. Pepsi is running ads under an exclusive argreement. Tech Crunch is saying nice things. And the firm’s CEO is blogging.

Coolspotters is new. The launch is beta. Features will come and go, parts of the site will change – all of which will be the result of feedback and ideas that we receive directly from you. Things on the site might even occasionally break. The point of all of this is: we will be working constantly to improve your experience.

Brier Dudley from the Seattle Times says, Coolspotters is “an outrageously materialistic online shopping/celebrity/social networking venture that could make a bundle for its Seattle investors.” He adds, “It’s like a reality TV show that leaves you wondering if the producers are being ironic.”

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