Letting Design And Designers Lead The Way
Posted in: UncategorizedPaul Isakson, Senior Strategic Planner at space150, wants ad peeps to start thinking like designers, not like ad peeps.
As an industry, we have to stop thinking about things like traditional advertising people. We need to start thinking about things like designers, engineers, architects and the like. We need to think about the action we want people to take and what will be required to make that action happen. We can’t just think about what we want to tell people. Odds are, telling someone to do something won’t be effective alone, if at all. Today’s congested media landscape requires a lot more than a campaign built on 30-second TV ads with a heavy media buy to create any real change. It’s in creating total experiences that we will see success.
Hmmm…sounds like a great argument for inviting experiential agencies to the decision-making table.
Here are some more thoughts from a designer working closely with The Martin Agency:
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