Let’s Go Adventuring with Kiefer Sutherland, Jose Cuervo, Shall We?

Kiefer Sutherland’s voice is somehow simultaneously soothing and forceful. His gravelly intonation, coupled with his beautifully weathered face, is completely convincing regardless of the words involved. In this Jose Cuervo spot created by McCann Erickson New York, Sutherland’s ultimate message is, “Have a Story.” He pushes a shot across the bar to us and then we follow him for an impromptu concert, a spontaneous tattoo, a brief lover’s brawl, and some bonsai clipping.

It’s not the first time Sutherland’s channeled his 24 character, Jack Bauer, though Cuervo’s spot is a subtle representation. For Acer of course, he got jazzed about a new Dynamite Cupcakes business, obviously involving explosions and suspense.

This is the classic alcohol campaign (be more interesting, be epic, defy expectation, blah blah), but Sutherland pulls it off gracefully. And since ‘story’ has been a buzzword of late, McCann did well to incorporate in this effort for the tequila fave. Let’s take that shot.
Credits after the jump

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