KWP! Creates Music Video for South Australian Tourism Board

The latest from KWP! sees the agency promoting the Adelaide region of Southern Australia, although it sure looks a lot like the agency and director Jeffrey Darling just created a music video of singer Emma Louise performing the INXS song “Never Tear Us Apart.”

The nearly two minute video, “Breathe” is described as “an ad with the energy of a music video, featuring singer Emma Louise and her astronaut alter ego discovering the city and its nearby regions.” But “Breathe” has more than just “the energy of a music video.” With at least as much camera time devoted to Louise singing and people dancing around as to the city and its landmarks, it really feels like a music video. While the spot is certainly visually impressive, not a surprise from the award-winning Darling, it isn’t until the very end, when “South Australia” flashes on the screen, that there’s any indication of what this is supposed to be selling, or that this is an ad at all and not a music video. That’s pretty bold for a 1:45 spot, and it’s certainly something different from the usual world of tourism advertising. “Breathe” marks the third immersive campaign KWP! has created for the South Australian Tourism commission, following successful campaigns for Kangaroo Island and Barossa. Credits after the jump. continued…

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