Kraft Wants Families to Fight Over Free Mac and Cheese


Today CP+B is launching “Noodle Reunion,” the latest in its “You know you love it” campaign for Kraft. If you happen to have the right last name, it could mean free preservative-drenched mac and cheese for you.

Noodle Reunion” operates under the premise that Kraft Macaroni and Cheese “has always been the kind of meal that brings families together.” Each day for the next two weeks, Kraft will choose a last name at random. If you happen to hold that last name, you’re entitled to a free box of gooey noodles and cheese-like-product. Today’s name, for example, is Berry. So if you happen to be a Berry, simply verify with Kraft, wait 4-6 weeks, and then redeem your coupon for a free Kraft Macaroni and Cheese product valued at $1.65 or less! Have fun splitting that amongst your family!

Since they’re already using Facebook to verify, you have to wonder why they’d need to mail the coupon. Can’t they just make a printable version and send that to recipients of the prize? Wouldn’t they avoid postage costs that way, while also making the prize seem more exciting due to its immediacy? Isn’t it a little anti-climactic to find you “won” something, to know your (less than two-dollar value) prize will come in the mail sometime next month?

Maybe I’m being a little cynical here, but since there’s also a limit of one coupon request  per household how is this supposed to “bring families together?” I have a hard time not picturing siblings reaching over the table to fight over the last remaining serving of mac and cheese while their parents yell at them to sit down or cry into their bowls, cursing Kraft for their paltry giveaway. Credits after the jump.

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