Kauhajoki school shooting brings out the worst in banners
Posted in: UncategorizedRight now, reports are still all over the place regarding the shooting at a school in Kauhajoki, Finland. Some say the gunman has killed himself, some say that he’s been arrested – see the google news cluster.
Finland’s second school massacre in under a year began at 0800GMT in the town of Kauhajoki, about 180 miles (300km) northwest of Helsinki, and lasted slightly over an hour.
Initial reports said that police had managed to arrest the killer, but the town mayor told Reuters that he had turned the gun on himself.
What is certain in this tragic incident, is that once again the automatic ad targeting software was way to diligent over at Aftonbladet.se. When the first reports came in, a banner declared: Silence I kill you! as seen in the screenshot taken by tomsun on his cellphone here. Ugh – whatever that banner is selling, I don’t want to buy it.
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