JWT, MassMarket Make Using Tissues Seem Fashionable

MassMarket and JWT New York have partnered up with noted fashion designer Isaac Mizrahi to make blowing mucus into a tissue fashionable for Kleenex in the new spot “Do My Thing.”

The 30-second spot, directed by Grady Hall, highlights different women (there are only women in this ad, because men don’t use tissues — they just blow snot rockets) expressing their personal style with their Kleenex selection. The new designs follow the ladies, enveloping their surroundings in their patterns and colors. To achieve the effect, MassMarket “brought together an interesting mix of artists and techniques to smoothly unite the multiple shots for this project,” explains VFX supervisor Diego Vazquez. This included implementing “traditional 2D, stylistic motion graphics and dynamic 3D.” The team’s distinctive visual design really shines in the spot, succeeding at making Kleenex’s new styles seem appealing and inviting. Credits after the jump. continued…

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