DDB NY Introduces ‘Future You’ for New York Lottery

Today DDB New York is launching the first ever campaign for New York Lottery to use a “for life” concept rather than a lump-sum jackpot.

The spot, entitled “Future You” shows a young man in a convenience store who goes to the register to make a purchase and eyes up a deck of cards. As his future self looks on (somehow), from a spacious futuristic mansion, he changes his mind and decides to buy a Cash 4 Life Quick Pick instead. “I scared me,” says a relived future you, before zooming off in his hover chair. It’s never explained how “Future You” watches his younger self, or how he could not know that he’s won the lottery if he’s already been enjoying his winnings, but I guess we’re just not supposed to think about that.

In addition to the TV spot, the campaign also includes radio spots in both English and Spanish, print ads, billboards, digital and a social media element centered around the hashtag “#CASH4LIFE.” Stick around for credits after the jump. continued…

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