The Completed Sagrada in 2026

La Sagrada Familia, symbole de la ville de Barcelone et création de l’architecte Gaudi, sera définitivement achevée en 2026, après 144 années de chantier. Une vidéo officielle nous propose, grâce à une excellente simulation 3D, de découvrir le monument tel qu’il sera lors de la fin des travaux. Plus d’images dans la suite.

Visualization of the Completed Sagrada in 20264
Visualization of the Completed Sagrada in 20263
Visualization of the Completed Sagrada in 20262
Visualization of the Completed Sagrada in 2026
Visualization of the Completed Sagrada in 20266

Clavilux 2000 Visualization

Après la table musicale Noteput, voici Clavilux 2000 cet instrument interactif intégrant une visualisation de la musique. Le tout est généré par le langage de programmation vvvv et l’objet se compose d’un piano de 88 touches et d’une projection verticale au dessus du clavier.




Un projet supervisé par Michael Götte et Veldana Sehic.

Previously on Fubiz

Heat Map of Search Results Clicks

A heat map of Google clicks and attention distribution on a Google search results page from a 2006 eyetracking study. Useful for making PowerPoints more dramatic, but beware of the methodological limitations.

Facebook, Twitter Buzz Visualized

Facebook’s Lexicon graphs occurrences of every queried term (up to five at a time, above: “cucumber”, “tomato”) across profile, group and event Walls, illustrating the ebb and flow of user buzz. What’s up with that cucumber buzz spike?
Facebook blog

People on twitter talk more about tomatoes than cucumbers as well (see twittermeter, also see these other cool viz tools):

Make Games with MS Excel

I wrote about games build in and for MS Excel earlier, and now Gamasutra runs a very detailed feature showing some of the hidden powers of the office application:

“It’s time to learn a new 3D game engine name: Microsoft Excel.

It is understood that Excel is an all-round office tool, but probably it is unknown that it has a bunch of features that makes Excel a high-class 3D graphics engine.

In this article I will demonstrate Excel’s arithmetical facilities, the embedded rendering subsystems (there are two of them!) and the revolutionary approach which might just cause a paradigm shift. I hope you will discover that Excel effectively and efficiently incorporates practicality, tons of features, the multi-platform portability and the high performance with the unique and futuristic 3D engine features.”

Check out Excel Music Synthesizer build on MS Excel 2007.

PowerPoint Karaoke

Graph: Life of a Blog Post

What happens to your post after you hit the “Publish” button, illustrated by Wired.

Graph: Technology Adoption Rates

NY Times published an excellent graph showing adoption rates for different technologies by three income tiers of the US population. Links: the article, the graph.