STUDY: Trust is Missing in Agency-Client Relationships

RPA, the indie ad shop in Santa Monica responsible for ‘Farmers (Insurance) University,’ released a Cannes-ready study with USA Today addressing what seems to be the missing ingredient in agency-client relationships: Trust.

Its focus is what trust has to do with the creative process. In short, a good bit. Judy Vogel, vice president of research, Gannett Co., Inc., the parent company of USA Today, says:

“We believe everyone in the industry has a role to play in supporting more honest conversations between agencies and marketers.”

Findings after the jump.


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Gannett Makes Deal With Weinstein to Develop Entertainment Material

Weinstein will receive a first look at Gannett journalism with the possibility of turning it into films, television and other forms of content.


Gannett to Add USA Today to Local Papers

Gannett, one of the nation’s largest newspaper chains, is expected to announce the expansion of a program where sections of its flagship appear within regional publications.


Man Uses Grappling Hook and Rope to Flee Michael Wolff in USA Today Ad

USA Today has begun promoting several columnists in short YouTube videos—the most entertaining of which stars Michael Wolff, erstwhile Adweek editor and current writer for USA Today's Money section. In the spot, Wolff's takes-no-prisoners reputation has one suit literally running scared—he uses a grappling hook and rope to flee his office building upon hearing that the columnist has arrived and wants a word. Alas, they meet on the sidewalk, and the man barks, "This is off the record!"—as Wolff, nonplussed, silently tries to comprehend the man's desperation. The voiceover, echoed in on-screen copy, says: "Read Michael Wolff. And thank your lucky stars he's not writing about you." Commercial acting—is it everything Wolff expected and more? "All in a day's shamelessness," he tells AdFreak. See the paper's ads for columnists Christine Brennan and Susan Page below.


Digital Subscriptions Bolster Newspapers’ Slipping Circulation Figures

The New York Times overtook USA Today for second place, after The Wall Street Journal, with total circulation up 17.6 percent.


Al Neuharth, Executive Who Built Gannett and USA Today, Is Dead at 89

Mr. Neuharth’s business model, characterized by stripped-down costs and generous margins, reshaped the industry, tilting the balance between profits and public service.