Sport Chek Thanks Athletes’ Moms Before Mother’s Day

We’re almost at that time of year when mothers get to relax and collect motherly gifts in return for their maternal love and care. These moms get their 24 hours and go back to the daily routine, but mothers of athletes, the ones who give up free time to constantly drive to practices and games all over the place and pour cash into training and coaches and uniforms, those moms might deserve two days.

In collaboration with Sport Chek, Sid Lee has created a new campaign featuring Canadian Olympic hockey player Meaghan Mikkelson in honor of the past sacrifices her parents made along the way that contributed to her athletic success. The thirty-second spot directed by Tom Tagholm could just be another Nike ad if not for some inspirational voiceover from Mama Mikkelson. During the London Olympics, we saw a similar campaign from Tide, where moms were thanked for their dedication to the athletic success of their offspring. This commercial isn’t all that different, but it’s still appropriate considering the timing. Some moms deserve to be thanked at least twice, so we’ll overlook the conceptual similarities as May 12 approaches.

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