Na caminho de Tiger Woods tinha um fotógrafo…

Tiger Woods Ryder Cup

Em ano de Copa fica difícil, mas certamente essa já se tornou a foto esportiva do ano.

Tiger Woods disputava a Ryder Cup, no País de Gales, quando um fotógrafo do Daily on Sunday apareceu onde não deveria. Woods bufou, mas Mark Pain conseguiu o que queria: uma bela imagem.

O momento seguinte, aliás, é ótimo para um festival de legendas.

Tiger Woods Ryder Cup

Brainstorm #9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Cartão de visita com “silicone”

Esse é um cartão de visita para uma cirurgiã plástica. Bem auto-explicativo, certo? Você coloca os dedos e… boom!

A criação é da agência austríaca Demner, Merlicek & Bergmann, e a peça foi shortlist no último London International Awards.

Cartao Plastic Surgeon Business Card

Brainstorm #9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Jaguar C-X75 Concept

Le constructeur automobile Jaguar vient de présenter cette concept-car Jaguar C-X75, à l’occasion de 75 ans de la marque. Une propulsion entièrement électrique entraînée par quatre moteurs indépendants, cette voiture rechargeable permet d’atteindre une vitesse de pointe de 330 km/h.












Previously on Fubiz

BlackBerry mostra a arte da conversação

BlackBerry BBM

Essa engenhosa instalação da RIM, realizada em Boston, tenta capturar uma das maiores características do BlackBerry: o BBM (BlackBerry Messenger).

São diversas instalações na verdade, com balões de chat que se conectam entre si, e quanto vistos de uma determinada posição revelam o significado da conversa.

A criação é da Leo Burnett Chicago.

Deluxe Caravans – The Mercedes A-Cero Caravan is a Mansion on Wheels (GALLERY)

( The Mercedes A-Cero caravan is a mansion on four wheels. There are homes away from homes, and then there are homes that go away with you, and this Mercedes is ideal for just that purpose. Spacious, modern…

WWF: Tree, Ice

“If the tree falls, we all fall. WWF.”
“If the ice goes, we all go. WWF.”

Advertising Agency: Jaleo, Barcelona, Spain
Creative Directors: David Garcia, Aleix Bou
Copywriter: Aleix Bou
Art Director: David Garcia
Photographer: David Garcia
Illustrator: David Garcia

Stuart Wade

Découverte du travail et des visuels 3D du designer et graphiste Stuart Wade, actuellement basé à Philadelphie. Des images expérimentales rendues sur le logiciel Cinema 4D, à explorer sur son portfolio et à travers une sélection dans la suite de l’article.












Previously on Fubiz

Sexy stewardesses for Virgin Atlantic airline video

New ad campaign for Virgin Atlantic with the baseline: Your airline’s either got it or it hasn’t

Advertiser: Virgin Atlantic

Agency: RKCR/Y&R

Munich Sneakers Design

La marque de sport Munich vient d’ouvrir une nouvelle boutique à Valence, avec la société d’architecture Deardesign. Une véritable vitrine pour les sneakers, basé sur le logo de la marque où chaque chaussure semble planer dans les airs leur offrant une visibilité maximale.




Previously on Fubiz

Matsuda Oil Paints: The power to dry quickly

“The power to dry quickly. Matsuda.”

Advertising Agency: ADK, Tokyo, Japan
Art Director: Yoshito Kubota
Copywriter: Shunpei Tezuka
Photographer: Kouji Matsuzawa
Illustrator: Manabu Asari

Firefall Cinematic

Voici le trailer cinématique de Firefall, un jeu d’action FPS en équipe dévellopé par Red 5 Studios (fondé par Mark Kern, l’ancien chef de projet de World of Warcraft). Un jeu PC gratuit et en ligne prévu pour courant 2011. A découvrir en vidéo dans la suite de l’article.


Previously on Fubiz

Follow up on 2 Million 1AD – The fossilisation machine

Gossip News: The other side of news

Advertising Agency: Soul Fast Advertising, Uruguay
Creative Director: Marcel Colera
Art Director: Carlos Jesus del B.
Copywriters: Sergio Bua, Dino Andino, Mariah De la Costa, Cesar Romero
Photographer: Videotoy
Published: September 2010

Nithin Kumblekar : Illustration

Nithin is an illustrator based in Bangalore. He does illustrations for many advertising agencies and publishers. He has also worked as an art director in leading advertising agencies.

Why are you an Illustrator?
It’s a fun thing for me. Even though I started my career as an art-director, becoming an illustrator was my aim.

Did you attend school for fine art or design?
Yes. I studied in Karnataka Chitrakala Parishad, and got BFA in applied arts.

You have a distinct style of illustration. How long did it take you to develop your style?
It’s hard to say how much time it takes. I’ve been sketching and painting even before I joined school. I myself didn’t realise how I got here. It’s like how DiCaprio explains in the movie Inception “you never remember where the dream begins. You just know where you are now”.

Were there any particular role models for you when you grew up?
Ya many. Including my teachers to movie stars. I believe it’s good to have role models from every field.

Who was the most influential personality on your career in Illustrations?
Artist P.S. Punchitaya. He guided my parents to put me in fine arts when I was 10years old. While discussing about art he never spoke to me like I’m a kid. Which made me realise I’m good at what I do.

You have worked in various agencies like O&M, McCann, Triton etc. What made you decide to become a freelance illustrator? When did you start freelancing?
I started freelancing as full time from the month of January this year. It’s not that I don’t like art-direction. But I like illustration more than art-direction. In every brief I was searching for ideas where I can use illustration. Then I decided to stop searching and jump into freelancing as illustrator.

Was there any time when you wanted to quit Illustrations?
Ha ha.. No never. Everyone like drawing in school. Few continue even after they are out of school. I’m one of them.

Are many advertising agencies getting illustrations made these days? Do you work more with agencies or publishers?
Yes  now almost every agency is keen on using illustrations. What is disappointing is some people end up referring books for style and play safe. But there are people who believe in illustrator and give freedom to express ideas.

Have you considered turning your illustrations into toys?
I love toys. Whenever I pass by any toy store or McDonald I pause for a while and see what are the new toys. My desk has collection of toys. But to make my own toys I’ll have to come up with a character which will run into comic strips. I’m not sure about that.

Any other Indian Illustrators who you admire?
Hadimani, John Fernandes
Do you have any favorite fellow illustrators or resources relating to your fields?
I like illustrations of Sanjay who works in McCann Bangalore. His knowledge of perspective and camera angles is amazing.

You have such a wide experience as a top working professional. What advice do you have for aspiring creative professionals? Would you advise them to take on Illustration as a career option? Is it paying well enough?
Illustration as a career is a good choice for those who are good at it. Don’t be scared whether it will pay enough or not. It pays really good if you keep updating yourself. And not many of them are there. So this place belongs to you.

Mac or PC?

Who would you like to take out for dinner?
Megan Fox. Isn’t she hot!

What’s on your iPod?
Bob Sinclar

Nithin can be contacted via his website here

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