Sandy Hook Gunman’s Father Says He Wishes His Son Had Never Been Born

Peter Lanza, whose son Adam committed the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., spoke about his son’s mental health in an article in The New Yorker.


Some News Organizations Decline to Publish Minors’ Names

News organizations were split on whether to identify two Florida girls, 12 and 14, accused in the online bullying of a third girl who committed suicide.


Advertising: A Campaign Urges Listening to Those Torn by Mental Illness

While other campaigns focus on the mentally ill themselves, this effort focuses on the people around them, who can provide shelter by just listening to them.


National Briefing | Rockies: Montana: TV Host Shot to Death

A northwestern Montana man shot and killed the host of “A Rifleman’s Journal” on the Sportsman Channel while the TV personality was visiting the man’s wife, police officials said Friday.