Mercedes-Benz Mashes Up Engine Sound Effects and Music

From B-Reel and AMV BBDO, Mercedes-Benz’s Sound with Power experiential campaign brings music and video together by letting users create mash-ups that incorporate, among other things, the roar of a Mercedes engine. The project is an interesting way to bring creativity to a brand that can always fall back on a Jon Hamm voiceover, but since the best mashups will be used in upcoming commercials, the real kicker is that Mercedes will be able to crowdsource some of their future advertisements. Tinie Tempah and Sub Focus also provided samples that can be customized for the audio portion.

We last covered Mercedes at the end of September, when the South African branch put out a moody black-and-white downhill skateboarding video that just seemed too obscure to make any sort of publicity dent. But Sound with Power feels much more accessible. Mashups can be posted and shared on Twitter, and everyone from potential customers to aspiring DJs can take part. And best of all, the products are actually featured in the campaign, which doesn’t happen as frequently as it should. Jon Hamm should be proud.

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Sub Focus – Turn It Around

Le talentueux réalisateur Bob Harlow a imaginé ce clip très réussi pour illustrer le morceau « Turn It Around » de Nick Douwma, plus connu sous le nom de Sub Focus. Mettant en scène les errances d’une femme interprétée par l’actrice Coto Mukai dans Tokyo, cette vidéo est à découvrir dans la suite.

Sub Focus - Turn It Around12
Sub Focus - Turn It Around11
Sub Focus - Turn It Around10
Sub Focus - Turn It Around9
Sub Focus - Turn It Around8
Sub Focus - Turn It Around7
Sub Focus - Turn It Around6r
Sub Focus - Turn It Around6
Sub Focus - Turn It Around5
Sub Focus - Turn It Around4
Sub Focus - Turn It Around2
Sub Focus - Turn It Around1
Sub Focus - Turn It Around13