Sigler rides social media wave

Popular Author and Podcaster Scott Sigler has proven social media can create commercial success.
His recently released hardcover fiction book, Contagious recently made the New York Times Bestseller list, coming in at #33 – the result of a group of advocates (or junkies as Sigler calls them) rushing out to buy the book in a semi […]

“I don’t hate you, I just love whoppers more”

What better way to start the new year than with a little de-cluttering of your friends on facebook – you know, the ones whose freind requests you accepted out of pity. Burger King now give you the perfect excuse with WHOPPER SACRIFICE! Ditch 10 friends and you’ll score a a free burger. Nice use of […]

User Generated Content Meets Gaming

Blast Works: Build, Trade, Destroy from on Vimeo.
A soon to be released game for the Nintendo Wii called Blast Works: Build, Trade, Destory is a side scrolling shooter with a great UGC element to it. You will have the ability to create your own character, enemies, shooting patterns, and levels – all of which […]

One Online Identity?

 If you’re sick of having to set up a new profile for yourself every time you join a new social network – you may be in luck. MySpace have launched a “Data Availability” effort with big-name partners Yahoo, eBay, Twitter, and fellow News Corp. unit Photobucket. The initiative’s goal is to let MySpace members share […]

A bunch of cool kids selling t-shirts

Uniqlo shows us how t-shirts are an expression of who your are. Create your own loop and rank other’s loops….on how “cool” you think they are.

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Direction of the mashup

Not long ago, Google released the “My Location” functionality in Google Maps Mobile, which allows you to see your location on the map regardless of whether or not your phone has GPS support. At the moment this adds limited benefit due to the accuracy (or lack of), but does raise a LOT of interesting questions, […]