Doner, Miguel Cabrera Take the Road Well-Traveled (to Greatness) for Chrysler

If there’s one thing that Detroit has going for it right now, it’s the Tigers. And if there’s one thing the Tigers always have going for them, it’s the super-dependable Miguel Cabrera, arguably the best hitter in baseball. So, if you’re a Detroit car company, just slap Miguel Cabrera in an ad and you’ve got a winner, right?

Doner (which will inevitably be mocked as “boner” in the comments section) has tapped Cabrera’s talents for their latest spot for Chrysler. Alternating between shots of Cabrera, aspiring young baseball players training, and the Chrysler Town & Country while talking about how there’s “one road to greatness” and there are “no shortcuts” whether “you’re trying to become the world’s greatest player or build the world’s greatest car” the spot pretty much sticks to a well-trodden formula. Ending with the irritatingly nonsensical “Imported From Detroit” tagline, and the better thought out #NoShortcuts hashtag, the spot certainly feels familiar.

There’s really nothing new about Doner’s approach, but as a baseball fan, the spot works for me. The background music sounds like it was taken from a “serious sports spot” stockpile somewhere and the “work hard to achieve greatness” message is certainly nothing new for Chrysler. But Miguel Cabrera isn’t just a great baseball player, he’s a seriously likable one, no matter what team you root for, with a truly photogenic swing. So despite the tired tropes of the spot, I can’t find it irritating (except for that tagline). The hometown appeal is obvious, but having people associate your product with Cabrera is a good thing, no matter where they’re from. But please Doner, work on a new tagline. Credits after the jump.


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Doner Pays Tribute to Slim Shady in Portfolio Night 11 Teaser (NSFW Language)

Yeah, we couldn’t resist. Again, by sheer coincidence, we have another Doner-related item today thanks to this clip that dropped in our inbox less than a half-hour ago. We’ve already reported on Portfolio Night 11 and posted a couple videos along with it last week, but entering the ring now is Doner, which is celebrating the fact that the Motor City is taking part in the annual recruiting/portfolio review event for the very first time.

So, how else would one inaugurate Detroit’s inclusion into the festivities other than giving a shout-out to native son Eminem. Ladies and gents, we give you “9 Mile,” which of course pays tribute to the hip-hop star’s film 8 Mile and gives a nod to its classic freestyle battle scene but, yes, with a twist. Guess getting your portfolio ripped apart by Doner EVP/ECD Brad Emmett is just as humiliating as getting schooled on the mic by Rabbit. Credits after the jump.


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