Miami Dolphins Cheeleaders Do “22” And Other Post-Cannes News


OK so it’s time to put the “seriousness” of Cannes Lions behind us and get back to what’s “truly important” in advertising; hot chicks in bikinis lip syncing pop sings. If you recall, the Miami Dolphins Cheerleaders did Carly Rae Jepsen’s “Call Me Maybe” — much like everyone else in the world did. Now they are back in full bootylicious bodaciousness doing Taylor Swift’s “22” while cavorting in bikinis and cheerleading garb.

The “Call Me Maybe” video promoted the team’s calendar. This video promotes a chance to meet the ladies at the Dolphins Opener on September 22.

In more pressing news, 111 Minna now serves Red Door Coffee, seven in ten people in the UK now own a smartphone, the Samsung Galaxy S4 is — wait for it — now available in five new colors, a BuzzFeed partnership with GE now lets readers view the site in “flight mode,” mobile marketing will hit $400 billion by 2015 and, of course, Mad Men ended its season last night.

Leaky Tampon Causes Shark Attack


OK, right up front let’s be clear — this is not a real ad. However, the message it sends — sharks are attracted to blood — is well demonstrated. The “ad” appears in the very rotten film Movie 43 and is for Tampax. It urges woman to make sure their tampons don’t leatkso, ya know, they don’t get sniffed out by a giant shark that will tear you a part with spooftastic, Jaws-style hilarity.

Public Self-Gratification Not What It Seems In ‘Awkward Shake’ Ad


In yet another idiotic use of the jack off meme, a video entitled Awkward Shakes treats us to several awkward moment of guys polishing their knob in situations where polishing the knob would normally be taboo. Except, of course, they’re not polishing their knobs? All their doing is shaking their protein shake.

Where have we seen this before? Aside from everywhere, who can forget the famed Shake Weight?

Hmm. maybe this is like a fart. No matter how many time you hear one, it’s still funny.

Chevy Reduces Women to Color-Obsessed Shopoholics


Because, after all, we know fashion conscious women always choose their vehicle for its color and not its performance. And they obviously don’t know how to drive right either. And all they like to do all day long is shop. And eat chocolate. But if we are being shallow and choosing, I’ll take the leggy brunette in the pleated miniskirt.

The ad comes to us courtesy of Commonwealth. It was shot by Angus Wall and produced by Elastic

Hot Surfer Girl Attacked by Plastic Sea Monster


Working with Surfrider Fundation, Australia’s Arnold Furnace has created a campaign to raise awareness of plastic pollution in the world’s oceans. The Surfrider Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection of waves and beaches.

The ads themselves are beautiful surfer shots married with shots of actual trash.

Of the work, Arnold Furnace ECD Tom Spicer said, “Steve and the gang at Cream (image studio) have done a fantastic job. 100% of the debris in the water was created by Cream which is testament to their skill.They went the extra mile from the beginning, going out and photographing all manner of rubbish to get that authenticity before blending it into the shots so seamlessly. It’s great to work with such a talented bunch of people on such a worthwhile project.”

It’s not as hot as this gratuitously sexy Sayulita ad but then again, that wasn’t for a good cause like this ok.




See This Clio-Winning CGI Orgasm


Platige Image is very pleased with it recent Silver CLIO win for CD Projekt RED’s Cyberpunk 2077. As they should be. It’s an epically orgasmic imagining of the new game which will be released in September.

The silver CLIO is the latest coup for Warsaw based creative shop, which recently opened a new branch in New York. Of the win, New Yotk Managing Director Julian Cdae gushed, “This CLIO is a testament to the skill set that defines Platige Image’s team, especially with such fierce competition from the best studios out there. We are revved up to serve the US market with similar projects built with our ingenuity, technical innovation and competitive rates covering all aspects of postproduction.”

Club Orange’s Ultimate Wingman’ Eradicates Clingy Ex-Girlfriends


Ah yes. Just what we all need. The ultimate wingman. Born amongst a bevy of orange-picking beauties, this mustachioed master of wingmanliness will help you “unlock the best bits in life.” Like delivering a satellite dish and a couple of hotties to an old dude and helping guys deal with clingy ex-girlfriends.

Club Orange is very well know for its use of less than fully clothed women in its ads. While this one employs the strategy, it’s quite a bit more tame that the ad they ran in 2012 which was chock full of innuendo and bikini-clad babes talking about their “bits.”

2012’s The Best Bit in the World

Axe-Coiffed Hair Turns Women Into Puddles of Submission


Really, guys. All it take is well-coiffed hair to zombify any woman into submission, make her forget whatever it was she was doing and stare longingly into your eyes and await your command. No, seriously. Axe says so so it must be true! Advertising never lies, right?

Of course, what these four BBH London-created commercials really wants to get across is that guys can’t keep their hands out of their hair when in the presence of a hot woman. While that may be true, it would be ever so awesome if women actually did turn into submissive zombies when us guys coiffed our hair with Axe. Because if it was true, guys might actually use the product!

Newsflash! Hot Guys Sells Soda


While it’s certainly not the end of rampant objectification of women to move product, recently there’s been a spate of male hunk-focused ads and Deutsch is the latest to join the trend with “Josh Button,” part of Dr. Pepper’s “One of a Kind” campaign.

In the ad, we see male model Josh Button discuss just how hot he is compared to all the other men on the planet. If it’s to somehow make up for all those years Mad Men portrayed women as sex objects in advertising, it’s really not accomplishing anything. Button, and most men, openly love being ogled. Though being occasionally ogled is quite a bit different than being culturally transformed after hundreds of years of objectification.

Now You Can Have Sex Bareback…With A Condom!


Riffing off the term “bareback” which, of course, means going condomless during sex, Marcus Thomas is out with a campaign for the Okamoto Zero Zero Four condom.

Visualizing the fact the condom is just 0.04 MM thick, the agency has placed a translucent saddle on the back of a horse

SLO Down Wines Go Great With Equestrian S&M


Turning the refined winemaking industry on it’s head — no, slapping it upside the head and yanking it kicking and screaming from its elitest snobbery — SLO Down wines is out with a pair of decidedly less-than-elitest wine commercials.

Aiming for the supposedly less elitest 99%, the winemaker shows no shame in associating itself with those who enjoy S&M and threesomes.

And just begging for some of the oddest tweets, the brand has hashtagged the ads #GoesGreatWith insuring all manner of tom foolery to occur.

Three Hot Asian Chicks Give Rice Plant An Erection


Awesome. We haven’t seen a blatantly sexualized commercial like this in quite some time. Just what we need to get our spirits up today. And speaking of getting things up, it’s kind of a forgone conclusion that when three hot Asian chicks pop up out of a rice field in the middle of nowhere and begin to seductively gyrate their hips and fondle their boobs while wearing red hot pants and tight white tops, something’s definitely going to come up.

Though the poor field hand in this ad does succumb to the threesome’s ability to make things grow, his excitement pales in comparison to the explosively turgid arousal experienced by the roots of a rice plant.

Apparently, this is a fertilizer commercial and apparently this fertilizer makes things get really, really big…just like three hot Asian chicks who pop up out of a rice field in the middle of nowhere and seductively gyrate their hips and fondle their boobs while wearing red hot pants and tight white tops.

Bra Aims to Inflate Japanese Economy


Every year, Swiss lingerie brand Triumph debuts a concept bra. Past efforts have included a tourism-themed bra, the Hanshin Tigers Bra which honored the Japanese baseball team and a bra that claimed to help women quit smoking.

This year the brand has introduced the Abenomics bra which is named after Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. The bra is a nod to Abe’s “three arrow” economic plans which aims to hoist Japan out of its present deflationary state by raising inflation 2% each year.

In line with that goal, the bra promises to increase women’s bust sizes by 2% which, you think about it, really isn’t that much. The golden bra — which is really more of a camisole of sorts — sports upward skewing arrows and is worn with a mini skirt with a target.

Of the effort, Triumph spokeswoman Keiko Masuda said, “We hope that, as the Japanese economy grows, we can also help bust sizes to get bigger.” Hitomi Tanaka could use the company.

This Guy’s Gonna Need A Really Big Condom!


You’ve got to love condom commercials. It just gives creatives free reign to pull out every sexual innuendo in the tool box. And there are plenty in this Trojan Pure Ecstacy commercial in which a couple prances around the streets naked while their “parts” are covered by melons, balloons, phallic posts and a gigantic balloon erection.

Cervical Cancer Ad Wants Ladies to Lift Their Skirts


A series of PSA posters for the Singapore Cancer Society depict women in a Marilyn Monroe-like pose that some have dubbed sexist and voyeuristic while others mistook the poster for a fashion ad. Not great for a just cause that’s trying to encourage women get tested regularly for cervical cancer.

In a poll conducted by Strait Times, 25% of respondents found the ad offensive yet 64% found the ad perfectly acceptable.

The imagery is certainly iconic and eye catching which, of course, is half the battle when creating ad campaigns. However, sexualizing ads which carry a serious message is rarely a good thing. Via.



Radio Shack Enlists Saran Wrapped Hotties to Sell Dildo-Like Pill


Good God! The horror! What’s got out panties in a bunch? Radio Shack, that’s who. You know, that electronics brand that’s been around for since 1925 and is named after a device no one even owns any more. And has managed to survive despite the massive uprising of big box electronics retailers.

We’re shocked! Shocked I tell you! That the neighborhood electronics retailer would stoop to sexually laced hashtags and a bevy of bodacious babes to hock its Dr. Dre Beats Pill speakers.

Hmm. Having said that, the approach actually makes sense since the Pill basically looks like a gigantic dildo.

In the ad, bikini-clad ladies — and Robin Thicke — dance to the musician’s Blurred Lines all while suggestive hashtags such as #UWANTIT flash across the screen.

AdFreak’s David Gianatasio aptly describes the brand’s approach writing, “RadioShack comes off like an unhip, balding, middle-aged dude desperately trying to prove he’s down with the kids — and failing badly”

Radio Shack Enlists Saran Wrapped Hotties to Sell Dildo-Like Radio


Good God! The horror! What’s got out panties in a bunch? Radio Shack, that’s who. You know, that electronics brand that’s been around for since 1925 and is named after a device no one even owns any more. And has managed to survive despite the massive uprising of big box electronics retailers.

We’re shocked! Shocked I tell you! That the neighborhood electronics retailer would stoop to sexually laced hashtags and a bevy of bodacious babes to hock its Dr. Dre Beats Pill speakers.

Hmm. Having said that, the approach actually makes sense since the Pill basically looks like a gigantic dildo.

In the ad, bikini-clad ladies — and Robin Thicke — dance to the musician’s Blurred Lines all while suggestive hashtags such as #UWANTIT flash across the screen.

AdFreak’s David Gianatasio aptly describes the brand’s approach writing, “RadioShack comes off like an unhip, balding, middle-aged dude desperately trying to prove he’s down with the kids — and failing badly”

Billboard Offers Women Summer Job: Dating Sugar Daddies


Hook-up site ArrangementFinders, part of the Ashley Madison empire, has erected a billboard in LA with the headline, “Need a Summer Job? Date a Sugar Daddy.” The copy is accompanied by an image of Bree Olsen, porn star and spokesperson for the site.

Hey, if a woman can make some coin of a rich guy and both parties consent, then why not? Via.

Dove ‘Real Beauty’ Spoof Asks Men to Describe Their Balls


Just what everyone wants to wake up to on a crisp Tuesday morning…a discussion of men’s balls. That’s the latest subject in this Portal A spoof of Dove’s recent Ogilvy Brazil-created “Real Beauty Sketches” video released two weeks ago. The original had an FBI forensics artist sketch women as they described themselves from behind a curtain.

It’s the second spoof of the work so far with the first focusing on men’s pompously confident view of themselves. This second spoof focuses on how men (and others) view their balls. We get descriptions such as “like a bag of old rags” and “my mom always told me I had soggy balls.” One man describes his balls as “like a frog that died and has been baking in the sun for two or three days.” Yeck.

The sketches, thankfully, look far better than what one can imagine the original subject matter appearing. See the video below. Some may consider it NSFW.

Charity Porn Site Aims to Change Perceptions of Sex


It’s a fair assumption most like to engage in sex every once in a while. Yet with societal and cultural pressures defining just who should and should not engage in sex coupled with the fact not all are able to swoop into a bar, pick someone up and hop into the sack, having sex isn’t easy for everyone.

New TBWA\Being-created work for Come4 aims to change that. Come4 is a non-profit pornography site which aims to help fund charitable and ethically-driven projects. It’s first effort works towards funding the Asta Philpot Foundation which helps raise public awareness of the sexual rights of disabled people.

Asta Philpot, whom you will meet in this video (NSFW – brief nudity), argues for the rights of all to enjoy an active sex life even if it crosses certain legal lines.