Advertising Agency: JWT, Johannesburg, South Africa
Executive Creative Director: Ashley Bacon
Creative Director: Ross Ventress, Ronnie Malden
Art Director: Assaf Levy, Alan Lewus
Copywriter: Lawrence Katz, Charles Foley
Photographer: Clive Stewart
Retouching: Rob Frew, Collin Gradwell
Agency Producer: Tammy Chetty
Account Director: Nikki Miller
Account Manager: Caroline Mogotsi
Advertising Agency: Lg2, Quebec, Canada
Creative Director: Luc Du Sault
Art Director: Vincent Bernard
Copywriter: Luc Du Sault
Illustrator: Vincent Bernard
Accountant: Sandie Lafleur
Alors que la série The Simpsons fête ses 25 ans, la marque de carnets Moleskine signe une collaboration avec l’univers de Matt Groening. Disponible à la vente en édition limitée, ces 4 modèles contiennent de nombreuses illustrations, détails et stickers en rapport avec les habitants de Springfield.
Advertising Agency: Mercury360, Bucharest, Romania
Creative Director: Liviu Turcanu
Art Director: Mihai Tigleanu, Adrian Ghita
Copywriter: Toni Bunaiasu
Photography: Alexandru Dan
Additional credits: Ana Maria David
Pour les fêtes de fin d’année 2013, la Maison Blanche a envoyé une carte magnifique, reproduisant en pop-up la résidence du Président des USA. Un graphisme signé Chris Hankinson, à côté duquel sont apposées les signatures de Barack Obama, de la première dame, des enfants mais aussi des chiens de la famille.
Danish headphone company, AIAIAI, wanted to give a fun and engaging holiday greeting to consumers. The double meaning of the symbol and second holiday message, was revealed when turning the magazine 90 degrees. So the simple geometric christmas tree also is a fast forward music button, symbolizing going into or skipping for the next year.
Advertising Agency: AIAIAI, Copenhagen, Denmark
Creative Director / Art Director: Peter Mix Willer
Whether you think it's a long-awaited ad hybrid or just a high-cost gimmick, this upcoming interactive print ad for Motorola's Moto X is definitely pushing people's buttons.
Running in 150,000 New York and Chicago editions of January's Wired magazine, the ad lets readers change the color of the handset on display by tapping controls located at the bottom of the page.
The ad's functionality, achieved via wafer-thin LEDs and batteries and created by Digitas, mimics the more full-featured MotoMaker site that allows you to browse the device's customizable options. Bloggers and viewers of the preview video seem mixed on whether this is truly innovative or just a stunt that would be too expensive to be widely replicated in print. Others just seem happy they don't have to pull out their smartphones to play with the ad: "The future of print advertising?" one YouTube commenter jokingly asked. "Can't be—there's not a freakin' #QRcode in sight.?"
Jan Banning a commencé à photographier des personnes sans domicile fixe lors d’une résidence d’artiste à Columbia (Caroline du Sud). Depuis, en installant un appareil dans un centre d’accueil, il a décidé de capturer ces visages pour humaniser les sans-abris, et les présente dans un livre « Down and Out in the South ».
Albert Cheng-Shun Tang a réalisé le design de cette revue présentant les projets du Taiwan e-Learning et Digital Archives Program piloté par the Institute of History and Philology of Academia Sinica. Appelée Recollection, cette création d’une grande beauté en chinois et anglais est à découvrir en images.
This is site is run by Sascha Endlicher, M.A., during ungodly late night hours. Wanna know more about him? Connect via Social Media by jumping to