F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi Skol Beer Design: Drink, Decorate, Sit On It

As part of their Skol Design line, the international beer brand and F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi invited renowned furniture designer Pedro Useche to create an armchair out of Skol bottles. Useche said, “Turning an armchair into a desirable object is not only about showing aesthetic attributes but most of all, making people feel comfortable when they sit on it.” The Skol bottles can spin, creating a massage sensation for each lucky occupant.

The video that accompanies Skol Design is in entirely in Portuguese, but if the lines were in English I can guess they would include gems like, “Here’s your house, in which you store the things you love…until your monstrous girlfriend arrives!” Said flower-loving, mirror-toting creature proceeds to completely rearrange the man cave. But! Justice is restored by Skol Designs, whose bottle lamps and clocks give the GF the chic feel she wants while still satisfying man’s need for beer.

Apparently the villainous girlfriend trope does well with Brazilian audiences, as F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi have used it before. I’ll admit the Skol chair is cute, but I’d much rather see a couple making sweet love on the rolling bottles than a wide-eyed girlfriend horror story.

Credits after the jump


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