FCB Presents 2015 Pan Am Games Invasion

FCB Toronto recently launched a campaign for the 2015 Pan Am Games on behalf of The Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation, centered around a 60-second broadcast spot called “Invade.”

Appropriately enough, the ad imagines Toronto invaded by hordes of athletes, who take to the city to the tune of a cover of the Delphonics “Ready or Not.” It starts innocently enough, with a lone gymnast on a rooftop. But soon a swarm of kayakers is rowing toward the city, followed by equestrian riders storming through neighborhoods, soccer players running through woods and various other groups of athletes. The spot concludes with the message “41 countries, 51 sports,” followed by the tagline “Epic is on.” The spot fits the tagline pretty perfectly, encapsulating the scope of the event in a well-shot, jam-packed 60-seconds that gets more and  more frantic leading up to its conclusion.  (more…)

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Leo Burnett Toronto ‘Say Yes to Yes’ for Coors Light

Leo Burnett Toronto has a new campaign for Coors Light, called “Say Yes to Yes,” which doesn’t put up much of a front about promoting “drinking responsibly.” Instead, they’re promoting the kind of drinking that leads to pantlessness, “going to bed not in your bed,” and “winning donkeys named Richard.” Coors Light can’t promise you all these things will happen, but they can promise “Saying yes to adventure” (in this case, “adventure” means “watery light beer”) will lead to better stories.

All these “not promises” are delivered from an unexpected, and pretty ridiculous source. Clearly, the target of the campaign is the barely above drinking age crowd, who can still be swayed into thinking Coors Light is the perfect thing a night of drunken debauchery. In addition to the 60-second version above, Coors Light will air a 30-second broadcast version, which will run until the end of the summer. Stick around for credits after the jump. continued…

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