Travails of Miley Cyrus Illustrate Need For Destigmatized Sex


While we rate movies R for even the mildest hint of nudity or sexual conduct, a PG or PG-13 movie can blow the shit out on an entire city or country killing millions in an instant and no one bats an eye.

Pepperidge Farm Gets Racy. Or is it Racist?


In a lengthy analysis of a recent Pepperidge Farm print ad for the company’s Milano cookie, Beyond Madison Avenue the writer points to another take on the ad, from, which…wait for it…calls the ad racist. Yes. A racist cookie ad.

From Gopher to Twitter, the Internet Fuels Socialization


In between sips of martinis, bites of salmon and samplings of various appetizer goodness, there was talk of Facebook, Twitter, the origin of Adrants and a whole lot more.

OMFG – Lots of CDs wouldn’t approve this.


Until you consider the audience. I can say with 100% accuracy that a) My mom isn’t frequenting where this banner appeared and 2) She doesn’t have a clue what OMFG means. LOL!

Please also consider that while I recently approved (and it’s being printed) using SNAFU in copy and ould have had no problem using it in a headline either, I stopped for a moment when I saw OMFG.

BTW, if you don’t know, SNAFU is a military acronym for “Situation Normal All Fucked Up” so the “F” in question is the same “F.”

And when it comes to the “F” in question, as you know from listening to this show, it’s ALWAYS the same “F.”

So, Uh, About that Rape Thing.


Yeah, that was kind of a stretch.

Here’s what happened.

Sometimes a Sponsorship is Just a Sponsorship.


In this article, CNBC writer Darren Rovell uses convoluted logic to ask what consumers, in their childlike naivete, are supposed to extract from relationships between athletes and the brands that sponsor them. (And their trainers. And their trainers’ websites.)

St. Paddy’s Day Roundup

Couple of things that have occurred to me this rainy, rainy St. Patrick’s Day.

1. It always rains on St. Patrick’s Day. I also think it’s wrong to have St. Patrick’s Day on a Monday. I think we should observe March 17 and always celebrate on the nearest Saturday. That’s what I think anyway.

2. March Madness is undeniably, most definitely and assuredly the best 3-weeks of sports the entire year. Puts the Super Bowl to shame by Monday morning after the selection show.

3. I hear something that made me snort water out of my nose this morning while lisenting to coverage of March Madness on 610 Sports. Chris and Cowboy host the mid morning show and I was driving into work after an early meeting when one of them (Cowboy I think) started talking about the Texas Longhorn cheerleaders and dance squad. He said, and I quote,

“I like to call those girls the ‘Future Pharmaceutical Sales force of the Greater Dallas Area’.”

Holy shit. There is no way to better describe what these girls will be doing in a couple of years than selling pharma stuff. Not that there’s anything wrong with it. I’m just saying.

Go Drake Bulldogs! Go Kansas Jahawks! Go back to work!

Steve Jobs Dubbed World’s Greatest Entrepreneur!


By John Door of KPCB, no less. Don’t believe us? Watch it yourselves (it’s near the end).

Firebrand CEO Laments Company’s Demise, Misunderstands Commercials


Fighting to the end, Firebrand CEO Roman Vinoly shared his frustration over doubters of the ads-as-content concept with AdWeek.

Funny How Different Things Look When It’s that Time of Month


Always is running this campaign where it’s printing feel-good phrases like “Have a happy period” over the wax paper on maxi pads.

And the Oscar for Best Ad on the Oscars goes to…

Tonight, is a big, big night for brands.  Star brands, studio brands and marketer brands all mix on the red carpet. We can count on the Nicholson brand doing well tonight. It’s a tradition to cut to him grinning in the audience. His smile is as iconic as the Clydesdales. But what about the marketers that are making their big bet with this event instead of the hyper-hyped Super Bowl?  Follow a live chat with the pundits on Adfreak’s new OscarFreak. If you are so moved, leave your opinions on the winners and losers here or as an audio comment. We’ll update this post with our own opinion in the morning. In the meantime, we already know what Judd Apatow thinks of the whole thing.

You Mean People Don’t Get Off on Sarcasm and Malice?


Advertising Age says snide advertising is bad for business and society.

Presidential Candidates Get the Brand Treatment

CEO Alan Siegel of Siegel & Gale put together a manifesto of what brand messages each of the Election 2008 candidates are conveying. Among other things, John McCain is read as the “straight-talking rebel.” Oh, we cannot emphasize how…

Andy Soothes Edgy CMOs with Deceptively Straight Face


Andy Berndt, once of Ogilvy and now of Google, got up in front of a bunch of marketers last week and said, “Google is not starting an ad agency.”

Anti-Advertising Efforts Backfire, Cause More Advertising Overload

The human brain is an amazing thing. It does so many complex things with complete ease. Luckily, one of the things it does is filter out, according to some, is the up to 5,000 advertising messages a city dweller…

Safe. From odor.

Mixed sports metaphors, high-top striped socks and an intentionally cheesy payoff. There’s a lot to like here.

On AdGabber: The Industry’s Creative Greats Discussed

Over at our social network, AdGabber, a discussion which aims to identify the industry’s creative greats has begun. From Phil Dusenbury to Jay Chiat to David Ogilvy to Lee Clow to more current creatives such as Alex Bogusky and…