Couple of things that have occurred to me this rainy, rainy St. Patrick’s Day.
1. It always rains on St. Patrick’s Day. I also think it’s wrong to have St. Patrick’s Day on a Monday. I think we should observe March 17 and always celebrate on the nearest Saturday. That’s what I think anyway.
2. March Madness is undeniably, most definitely and assuredly the best 3-weeks of sports the entire year. Puts the Super Bowl to shame by Monday morning after the selection show.
3. I hear something that made me snort water out of my nose this morning while lisenting to coverage of March Madness on 610 Sports. Chris and Cowboy host the mid morning show and I was driving into work after an early meeting when one of them (Cowboy I think) started talking about the Texas Longhorn cheerleaders and dance squad. He said, and I quote,
“I like to call those girls the ‘Future Pharmaceutical Sales force of the Greater Dallas Area’.”
Holy shit. There is no way to better describe what these girls will be doing in a couple of years than selling pharma stuff. Not that there’s anything wrong with it. I’m just saying.
Go Drake Bulldogs! Go Kansas Jahawks! Go back to work!