180LA Created ‘The Most Direct Recruitment Ad Ever’
Posted in: Uncategorized180LA is looking to hire a “badass creative director,” so the agency created “The Most Direct Recruitment Ad Ever,” and found a way to ensure top candidates would see it. They entered the ad into four Cannes competitions (the Film Lions, Direct Lions, Radio Lions and Press Lions) under the assumption that “if you’re on the Cannes Jury, you’re definitely one of the best creative directors in the world.”
The ad even calls out certain creative directors by name, including Luca Lorenzini and Eva Santos. 180 LA promises an 120 percent increase in the days of sunshine and “astonishing results.” For the latter, the ad claims 180LA is “one of the sexiest agencies on the planet” and that they work with “amazing clients who are hungry to do the best work of their lives.” And that beach view shown throughout the ad? That’s “the view from your new office.”
Obviously, 180LA isn’t hoping to bring home a Cannes Lion with the ad, but rather has found an attention-grabbing way to reach top creative directors who may be interested in the position. But will they find the ad clever, or a spammy gimmick? And was it worth the thousands the agency paid in entry fees?