Meet Safe Auto’s Justin Case
Posted in: UncategorizedIf you spend much time watching TV, you’ve probably heard of Justin Case. Who is he, you ask? Aside from being the handsome, floppy-haired spokesman for Safe Auto Insurance, here’s what we know about him:
- On his desk, you’ll find a gumball machine, coffee mug, photo with friends, and a reminder of a 4:30 meeting
- He’s a Prius owner
- The ladies think he’s sexy
- He makes public appearances
- He gives away roadside assistance kits
- He has his own fan page on Facebook
- You can even call him at 1-800-SAFE-AUTO x84555
Justin Case, the eponymous spokesman created by Columbus-based agency Paul Werth Associates, is also known as Chicago-based actor Tim McCarthy. The character, loosely based on Jim from “The Office” and featured in TV commercials, print, and multimedia, is known to Safe Auto consumers. In fact, three out of four consumers surveyed think he’s a real Safe Auto employee. According to Justin’s Facebook fan page, some consumers believe they’ve spoken to Justin on the phone before.
So what’s next for Justin Case? Apparently, a love interest. Sources at Paul Werth say to look for Katie to make an appearance in a future campaign. Sounds like a match made in auto insurance heaven.
Sara Barton is a copywriter, social media strategist, and avid blogger who is in search of her next opportunity. Contact her via Twitter, LinkedIn, or her blog.