Here Are a Couple of Notes on Tribal NY

joshtribalLet’s start the party by addressing Tribal Worldwide’s New York office and its relationship with eyecare brand Alcon, which a few tipsters have brought up. Here’s what we hear: sources familiar with the matter tell us that the agency-client relationship varies from year-to-year. Tribal has been working with Alcon for the past five and it looks like the partnership will continue in 2014 “and beyond”–though in what terms, we’re not sure. Tribal deferred all official comment to Alcon, which we’re checking with.

Switching Tribal topics, said agency’s NY office has also bumped up Josh McGuire and Hunter Simms to creative directors. During his career, which has basically consisted of time at Tribal NY, McGuire (pictured) moved up the ranks from art director to senior AD to his most recent post. As for Simms, the new DDB NY CD previously served as senior writer at JWT Dubai for clients including Kleenex, Band-Aid, Wendy’s, Audi, Nokia and more.

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Hiscox Reactor Spins Out Generic LinkedIn Animations

The Hiscox Reactor? Gee, that sounds fancy. Sounds like something a character from The Big Bang Theory would reference. It turns out that it’s not all that fancy, save for some elegant animation reminiscent of a Rube Goldberg machine courtesy of Tribal Worldwide NY. The gist: users log in to their Linkedin accounts and can follow a whirling red ball that moves through customized graphics revealing education and work history.

The experience is personalized in the way that asking a Magic 8 Ball a question is personalized. A finite number of combinations and animations have little use after the first watch. However, if you feel like watching the red ball spin – and it is a Friday, so why not? – the chain reaction may make you think about your winding career path that has taken many turns and dips. It didn’t for me, but it might for you. And it might make you want to purchase small business insurance from Hiscox, which is actually important. Or it just might make you wonder why a company would spend money on a custom animation gimmick that lacks value. Credits after the jump.


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