Cheat Your Way to the AICP Awards (Not Really)

The Association of Independent Commercial Producers unveiled it’s campaign for the 2013 AICP Show and AICP Next Awards with a few spots that resemble fake interstitials from a sci-fi movie most likely directed by James Cameron. The machines aren’t taking over, but we do have EureeCorp, the make-believe company with a line of products like the Idea Orb, which can transmit award-winning ideas to your brain as you sleep.

If the Idea Orb doesn’t inspire collusion, there’s always the Centaurus 3000, a computer full of magical software and algorithms that produces a scent where you “can waft in the ideas of the future.” Okay, the machines might be taking over, and those machines really like detached body parts.

This AICP campaign doesn’t have as much bite as some of their previous, more carnivorous work, but success can’t always be duplicated. After all, innovation has no formula. Credits and the Centaurus 3000 spot after the jump.


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