Rotomac by DDB Mudra

Advertising Agency: DDB Mudra, Ahmedabad, India
Creative Directors: Sonal Dabral, Ravinder Siwach
Art Director: Ravinder Siwach
Illustrator: Siwach Twinbrains






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Eveready Heavy Duty Battery spec work by student

    Eveready batteries are an inexpensive and reliable way of getting surprising amount of
    continuous power, assuring maximum quality performance. From the name you know
    and the quality you trust, Eveready Heavy duty battery: The Compact portable power plant.

Advertising School: J.J. Institute of Applied Art, India
Creative: Akshay Naik



Itchguard spec work by Student

Advertising School: J.J. Institute of Applied Art, India
Creative: Sayyed Arshad