Golf Fashion for Women – Golf Magazine Devotes Entire Issue to Fashion (GALLERY)

( Tiger Woods was quoted as saying, “Hockey is for white guys, basketball is for black guys, and golf is for white guys who dress like pimps.”

Tiger is no fashion slouch, but women golfers are not leaving…

Cars That Monitor Sugar Levels – M-POWERED Car for Diabetic Drivers

( Experiencing a sugar, or glucose, crash while driving can be very dangerous for both the driver and others on the road. In order to minimize the danger of such a scenario, Medtronic Diabetes has developed…

Skin Antennas – Wireless Connection for Medical Implants

( We already have wireless internet at home and Wi-Fi outside the home. Why not a personal wireless connection for different medical implants like pacemakers in our bodies too? William Scanlon and Garet…

Double Sided Toothbrush – More Efficient Oral Hygiene

( There is now a double-sided toothbrush for those compulsive about their oral hygiene. One look at this nifty little idea provoked several questions in my mind, as the rat kept running faster on his tr…

Weightloss Shoes – Chung Shi Footwear (VIDEO)

( Chung Shi is the maker of an innovative new footwear promising to aid in weight loss. The fitness shoes have a built-in “Pilates System,” and promise to stimulate and build new muscles, thereby boosti…

World Naked Bike Rides – Participation Doubles (VIDEO)

( Due to its popularity last summer, The World Naked Bike Ride took place again this year. The UK protest featured people wearing nothing but their bicycles (OK, some wore body paint and wigs) in a larg…

Ugly Drunk Scenarios – Maktub Beverages Delivery: Drink At Home (GALLERY)

( Trend Hunter has seen many ads that warn of the dangers of excessive drinking, however this Maktub Beverages Delivery campaign uses ugly drunk scenarios not to curb your drinking, but to let you know …

Push Up Tables – Spider Table (GALLERY)

( I love this table design that forces you to exercise and burn a few calories each time you want to use it, presumably to eat and take in more calories.

The Push Up Table by Chris Murphy is inspired b…

Fountain of Youth Pills – Anti-Aging Drugs

( You could soon be able to live a longer and, more importantly, healthier life with a little pharmaceutical help. The so-called “diseases of aging” such as cancer, diabetes, dementia, heart disease and…

Lifestyle Beverages – Zrii With Super Fruit Amalaki (GALLERY)

( Zrii is the perfect summer drink for those who don’t want to sabotage their diets while bathing suit season is in full swing. The juice is based on the 5,000 year old practices of Ayurveda and is pack…

Naked Sculptures – The Great British Body Finale (VIDEO)

( Nudist culture is becoming increasingly popular, and in the UK, it’s helped spur on a new TV show about-self acceptance. Rather than offer people self-esteem through makeovers, plastic surgery or extr…

Web Browers for Autistic Kids – The Zac Browser (VIDEO)

( A software developer with an autistic grandson was frustrated with the difficulty of utilizing the valuable stuff on the web. As a result, he designed a new browser which he is now making available fo…

Banning Size Zero – US Considers “The Beauty of Health” (VIDEO)

( The Council for Fashion Designers of America may have gotten a wakeup call from Europe, where some governments are banning very, very thin models, the size zero. At London Fashion Week a model was act…

Celebrity Health Food Promotions – Jason Mraz Eats Raw on Myspace (GALLERY)

( In a post on his MySpace profile, Musician Jason Mraz shared a picture of his lean body in bikini briefs along with information on the food lifestyle experiment he’s been doing since April 1st. What s…

Vibrating Bracelets for the Deaf – The Vibering for Safety (GALLERY)

( The Vibering by designers Kwang-seok Jeong, Min-hee Kim and Hyun-joong Kim is a very ingenious sound detection and identification system to help the deaf and hard of hearing capture the sounds around …

Healthy Super Chocolate – Xocai

( Xocai chocolate offers guilt free indulgence. “The name Xoçaiâ„¢ consists of the first two letters of the Aztec word, ‘Xocolatl,’ an ancient, Central-American, chocolate drink, and the last three let…

Sculpted Fitness Chocolates – Abdominal Muscle Bars for Men (GALLERY)

( You know how they say Swiss chocolate is the best in taste? Well I think French chocolate is the best in presentation. The chocolatier Jean-Paul Hévin launched the first chocolate bars without sugar…

Screenless Consoles – Swinxs Encourages Outdoor Exercise (VIDEO)

( The new Swinxs game console, designed and developed in the Netherlands, is unique in a sense that it has no screen and can be taken outdoors. Where Wii is trying to get children to move more, this con…

As Food Size Doubled, So Did Waistlines – 2 Decade Portion Distortion (GALLERY)

( 30% of Americans are now considered obese, compared to only 15% about 30 years ago. In that same amount of time, food portions have also doubled in size, making the relationships directly proportional…

Custom Eco Adverbottles – Klean Kanteen Co-Branded Bottles (GALLERY)

( Personal aluminum bottles are quickly gaining popularity, for health and ethical reasons. Klean Kanteen offers not only stylish plastic bottle alternatives, but the ability to customize them for marke…