The best way To Realize Greater Conversions Using The Power of Consistency In Your Marketing

Performing business on the net is filled with many possibilities for mistakes, and inconsistency with your overall approach has to be an essential one. Either people have no notion of how important it is, or they simply have no clue that this is available. Yet the lack of regularity in almost all you do in your company will have a destructive influence on conversions. Underlying the reasons to pay attention to this relates to the way humans observe their environment and then respond to it. When our experiences may not be what we anticipate, dependent on prior experience, then it brings about uneasiness and may instinctively seem irrational. The end effect is we tend to want to stay clear of seeing it, and that means walking away from your site, blog and business.

One common facet of online marketing where this effect is highly frequent concerns squeeze pages and a different site. We have all witnessed and used squeeze pages when a person is building an email list for marketing. Based on personal inclination, the marketer may deposit the fresh optin on a web page or other site. The business person behind it has the option to reveal a site or hold out until later. However, there is particular risk in this scenario that embodies this concept of being consistent in your marketing which we will describe.

The dynamics here concern the page layout, design elements and colors of the squeeze page and the site that appears after that in the browser. If the contrast is enough, then that is definitely inconsistency and will produce an uneasy influence on the person. The simple solution is to make the squeeze page design more aligned and in agreement with the sales letter page design.

Another related situation concerns all the affiliate marketers and how they approach their marketing. Making review sites has been a very prevalent strategy, and usually there are several links to outside product sites. Obviously you cannot accommodate all the different vendor sales page designs. What is attainable, and successful, is to develop a site so it does offer a smooth transition to the sites you are connecting to. What you should strive to do is prevent a design that is highly strange and serves to offer a glaring contrast to any other site. You will need to make an effort to discover how well colors, format and overall designs can be relatively inconspicuous hence they avoid clashes. Frequently an effective approach is to be mindful of this and minimize unacceptable contrasts.

This very identical rule applies to all you do in your business specifically in your written communications and marketing messages. Generally speaking, many people are constant and routine in the way they talk to people. Alternatively, we have seen many situations in which goods and services were promoted that seemed way out of place and unforeseen. This happens to some level, but it is not anything we would call unrestrained or a widespread problem. On the other hand, we have seen it enough to assume that many web marketers and businesses are unaware of the importance to be consistent.

How Not To Make These Video Marketing Blunders

Many online businesses are finding that video marketing is a highly effective way to generate traffic and promote their products. The direction the internet is moving in is definitely towards more video and less text. The way people are consuming information on the Internet is changing day after day, which means video is gaining more momentum. Many people who use video marketing, however, tend to make some typical mistakes. So make sure you’re not making the kind of video marketing mistakes we’ll be talking about below.

1) It is a mistake to believe that if you stuff your video’s tags with keywords you will attract a lot of traffic and make it highly popular. What ultimately decides the fate of your video is the content and how much value you’re providing to your viewers. Seasoning your food is just like adding keywords to your tags. You just need to sprinkle them around for that added exposure. But you can’t completely depend on them and expect your video to get raving reviews even if it has bad content – just doesn’t work that way. 2) Not having a promotion/marketing strategy is another mistake that you should avoid by all means. It is much like trying to get from A to B with no map or clear directions. The reason you need to put together a plan is so you have a clear idea of what needs doing and when. On the other hand, this doesn’t necessarily mean you need a very complex approach. It is critical to have a good plan in place because you need to have an idea of what to expect and have some backup solutions in place once you start producing and distributing your videos.

3) Releasing fancy looking videos that lack any real substance is a typical video marketing mistake. Most often, the videos that get the most views online are those that have the best content, rather than those made with professional equipment. Your technology and equipment can always be upgraded at some point, but for the present your main goal should be reaching your viewers with the kind of content they want. If you understand this basic element, there’s no limit to what you can achieve.

This article has proven that video marketing is effective and it also shows how to avoid these common blunders. Since you don’t have much to do in terms of strategy, it is easy to rectify these errors. You need to learn from these errors if you are to become successful with video marketing and also you shouldn’t repeat these errors.

Google Analytics aplicado ao mundo analógico

Seguindo a tradição de peças bem-humoradas para divulgar seus produtos, o Google aproveitou as festas de fim de ano para retratar como seria o analytics aplicado ao mundo analógico em dois filmes. Para falar sobre otimização de landing pages e ferramentas de busca em sites, numa espécie de “o que não fazer”, o cenário escolhido foi um supermercado.

O bacana é que os comerciais cobrem diferentes pontos de vista ao mostrar como alguns erros comuns podem destruir a experiência de compra dos consumidores online. Do ponto de vista do shopper, os filmes conseguem retratar exatamente como nos sentimos quando tentamos comprar algo e não conseguimos, ou porque é impossível encontrar o produto naquele site ou por conta da quantidade enorme de obstáculos que temos de enfrentar.

Para as agências, é uma ferramenta que ajuda a explicar para o cliente porque existem certas regras a serem seguidas na construção de um site, que facilitam a navegação, algo que o tal sobrinho de 13 anos que faz o mesmo trabalho por R$ 50,00 talvez não entenda.

No ano passado, o Google Analytics já havia trabalhado nesta mesma linha ao mostrar para seus clientes a importância de se ter um processo de conclusão de compra simples e fácil em qualquer site.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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