Driveable Truck made of Ice

La marque Canadian Tire, spécialisée dans les batteries de voitures, a voulu montrer à quel point leurs produits pouvaient résister au froid. Le résultat donne cette superbe collaboration avec Iceculture, proposant une voiture de glace pouvant rouler. Un résultat bluffant à découvrir en images dans la suite.

Driveable Truck made of Ice15
Driveable Truck made of Ice14a
Driveable Truck made of Ice14
Driveable Truck made of Ice13
Driveable Truck made of Ice12
Driveable Truck made of Ice11
Driveable Truck made of Ice10
Driveable Truck made of Ice8
Driveable Truck made of Ice6
Driveable Truck made of Ice5
Driveable Truck made of Ice4
Driveable Truck made of Ice3
Driveable Truck made of Ice2
Driveable Truck made of Ice1

The perfect reflection? / Le miroir de l’autre?

Capture d’écran 2012-05-23 à 15.44.28 glasses2012
Sears Optical Centers – 2010
Mirrors are blurred around the glasses.
Source : Awarded at CRÉA
Agency : LG2 Montreal (Canada)
Opticentro (Optica Das Amoreiras) Anti-Myopia – 2012
Mirrors are blurred around the glasses.
Source : Adsoftheworld
Agency : DraftFCB Lisbon (Portugal)

Polar bear looking like ice floe / Ça jette un froid?

Click here to view the embedded video.

Greenpeace Switzerland – 2009
Source : Edi Award “special prize”
Agency : Spinas CH (Switzerland)
Greenpeace Turkey  – 2012
Source : Adsoftheworld
Agency : Memac Ogilvy & Mather Dubaï (UAE)