Motor City Nightmares: Horror Buckets


Horror festivals and premieres are all about the films. Popcorn can look like someone’s brains. And films are best enjoyed with a bucket of popcorn. Once we realized this, we were pretty quick to arrive at the concept of the horror bucket. Then it was a simple matter of creating the website where promoters could view the buckets, personalize them, and order them.

Advertising Agency: Y&R, New York, USA
Creative Directors: Graeme Hall, Michael Schachtner
Art Directors / Copywriters / Photographers: Paul Wood, Milan Daniels
Additional credits: Jim Elliott

Giants Düsseldorf: Basketball Bread-Paper-Bag


Advertising Agency: Aufbruch, Düsseldorf, Germany
Art Director: Alexander Gerlings
Junior Art Director: Magnus Siemens
Additional credits: Daniel Meister, Tim Kroke

American Express: Small Business Gets An Official Day

Advertising Agency: Crispin Porter + Bogusky, USA
Chief Creative Officers: Rob Reilly, Jeff Benjamin, Lincoln Bjorkman
Executive Creative Director: Mark Taylor
Creative Director: Allen Richardson
Interactive Creative Director: Dan Ligon
Art Directors: Daniel Burke, Rochelle Raiss, Mike Blanch, Josh Gross, Laura Potsic
Copywriters: Kelly McCormick, Adrian Alexander, Jens McNaughton
Directors: Kaylin Goldstein, Andrew Teagle
Creative: Matt D’Ercole, Atit Shah

Austria Solar: The Solar Annual Report

Advertising Agency: serviceplan, Munich, Germany
Chief Creative Officer: Alex Schill
Creative Directors: Christoph Everke, Cosimo Möller, Alexander Nagel
Art Director: Matthäus Frost
Copywriter: Moritz Dornig
Graphic Design: Mathias Nösel
Printing: Mory&Meier

Fur-Free: Truth Coat

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Faux fur isn’t always faux. It’s real – real dog and cat fur. Every day, an estimated 5400 cats and dogs are killed for their fur. They’re specially bred for this purpose, and their fur used on gloves, hats, jackets, shoes and animal toys. Retailers unknowingly sell these, consumers think it’s fake, and so demand stays constant. There’s a switch-off factor when it comes to animal cruelty – how do you make a horrific fact known, without people turning away? Make the truth hit home. Dog jackets were created and supplied to parlours frequented by dogs with celebrity owners. The jackets highlighted the simple truth behind “faux fur”, and inspired both celebs and the public to spread the message via Twitter. A label inside the jacket called for people make a fur-free pledge by purchasing a limited-edition sugar spoon master crafted by a well know jeweler, with all the proceeds donated to Fur-Free’s cause.

Advertising Agency: Ogilvy Brand Activation, Johannesburg, South Africa
Creative Director: Caroline Bergh
Art Director: Brett Terblanche
Copywriter: Jack Malepa
Photographer: Michael Doran
Additional credits: Bianca Christodoulou, Noeline vandenBerg

Audio Boutique Sound Design: Music Box Video Case

Advertising Agency: Dim&Canzian, São Paulo, Brazil
Chief Creative Officer: Michele Dim D’Ippolito
Chief Media Officer: Marcio Canzian
Art Director: Michele Dim D’Ippolito, Alvaro Carvalho, Christian Gonzalez
Copywriter: Michele Dim D’Ippolito, Leandro Esper
Account Supervisor: Marina Pardo
Account Manager: Cristiane Bender
Planner Supervisor: Samantha Barbieri
Project Coord: Barbara Marques

Clark&Kent: XRay Vision Sticker

Advertising Agency: Clark&Kent, New York, USA
Creative Director: Clark, Kent
Art Director: Clark
Copywriter: Kent

Yes: Ordinary Classics To Remember Forever


Advertising Agency: Giovanni+Draftfcb, São Paulo, Brazil
Creative Directors: Benjamin Yung Jr., Cassio Zanatta
Copywriter: Nina Góes
Art Director: Juliano de Almeida
Photographer: Leandro Texeira
Illustrators: Laura Souza
Art Buyers: Tina Castro, Gisele Miranda, Daniel Gonçalves
Agency Producers: Edgard Pasotti, Diego Bischoff

Gomes da Costa: Fresh Fish

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Advertising Agency: JWT, Brazil
Executive Creative Directors: Roberto Fernandez, Ricardo John
Creative Directors: Roberto Fernandez, Ricardo John
Copywriter: Marlon Zanatti
Art Director: Lucas Aguiar
Art Buyer: Renata Sayão
Illustration: Luis Roberto
Photographer: Régis Fernandez
Account Management: Fernanda Antonelli, Luciana Rodrigues, Bruno Yantob, Gustavo Nobre
Media: Ezra Geld, Aline Moda, João Dabbur, Amaury Magalhães
Planning: Fernand Alphen
Graphic Producer: Flávio Schaefer, Flavio Colella, Maira Chinaglia

Decompressing: Cleaned, Ironed, Delivered

DECOMPRESSING is a dry-cleaning service company that comes to your place to pick-up your laundry and brin git back to you, cleaned and ironed, within 48 hours. To introduce this new service, we slid this flyer under prospects’ doors to invite them to experiment directly the simplicity of the service.

Advertising Agency: TBWA, Paris, France
Executive Creative Directors: Eric Holden, Rémi Noël, Philippe Simonet
Copywriter: Bertrand Gillet
Art Director: Olivier Hommez
Photographer: Nicolas Descottes
Art Buyers: Barbara Chevalier, Isabelle Jaubert
Retouching: La souris sur le gâteau

Clark&Kent: Phone Booth Business Card

Clark&Kent is the smallest ad agency in the world with headquarters in a phone booth in New York. Here is the C&K business card. And of course…it’s a phone booth!

Advertising Agency: Clark&Kent, New York, USA
Creative Director: Clark, Kent
Art Director: Clark
Copywriter: Kent

Nike: Blood, Art, Bahia, Santos





Advertising Agency: F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi, Brazil
Creative Directors: Fabio Fernandes, Eduardo Lima, Alexandre Soares
Creatives: Leandro Dolfini, Rafael Merel, Marcelo Ribeiro
Account Services: Marcello Penna, Gisela Assumpção, Camila Hamaoui, Gustavo Saab
Planners: José Porto, Utymo Oliveira, Diego Dumont
Graphic Producers: Jomar Farias, Leandro Ferreira
Media: Lica Bueno, Sandro Cachiello

Planet Kids: The Talking Invite

Planet Kids, Bangalore’s leading playschool chain wanted an invite to announce their Annual Day celebrations. This invite would be given to students and their parents. The objective was to create excitement around the event and get their kids buzzing.

So we decided to create something out-of-the-ordinary, something that would engage their students and get them to transfer the buzz onto their parents. And voila, the ‘hand puppet’ invite was born!

The invite soon became the children’s new,favourite toy and kept them entertained long after the event.

Advertising Agency: Happy, Bangalore, India
Executive Creative Director: Kartik Iyer
Chief Creative Officer: Praveen Das
Creative Director: Carl Savio
Illustrator: Nalisha Chouraria
Copywriter: Megha Ramesh
Art Director: Shatrughan R
Account Executive: Ajay Kumar

Galaxsea Travel: Flags

galaxsea travel

Advertising Agency: The Secret Service, Bucharest, Romania
Creative Director / Copywriter: Mihai Ene
Art Director: Dragos Gheorghiu
Strategy: Adina Sorescu

Vodafone: Like An Inch Away


Advertising Agency: Ogilvy & Mather, Mumbai, India
National Creative Directors: Rajiv Rao, Abhijit Avasthi
Group Creative Directors: Kainaz Karmakar, Harshad Rajadhyaksha
Art Director: Vishakha Modak
Copywriter: Kainaz Karmakar
Illustrator: Vishakha Modak

Sekunda Glue: Worker And Kolkhoz Woman

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Cultural context: decorating their living rooms with miniature copies of famous russian statues / historical characters is a lower middle class tradition. Idea: sekunda glue will extend the life of your decorative objects for so long that they simply have to start doing something… Execution: miniature copies of famous statues of “worker and kolkhoz woman” statue in moscow (used on mosfilm’s logo, stamps) were featured in the campaign… with a twist.
Media: the prints were published in history magazines, very popular among our consumers and on 2 billboards close to the location of the statue.

Advertising Agency: BBDO, Moscow, Russia
Creative Director: Mihai Coliban
Copywriter: Denis Avraamov
Art Director: Mihai Coliban
Illustrator: Wireframe
Additional Credits:
Art Buyer: Marina Shponko
Account Manager: Ekaterina Konovalova

Philips: Augmented Reality Mugs

Advertising Agency: OgilvyAction, Taipei, Taiwan
Regional Executive Creative Director: Daniel Comar
Creative Directors: Chyi Lin
Assistant Art Director: James Lei
Group Account Director: Julia Ou
Associate Account Director: Vincent Chang
Account Executive: Joanne Mei
Production: Jack Wu, Peggy Chou
Designer: Alex Noble, Kenny Foo, Fong Wei Kit

Natasha Goulbourn Foundation: Moody Watch


To address depression issues that 4.5million Filipinos face, Campaigns & Grey partnered with the Natasha Goulbourn Foundation (NGF), an establishment to promote awareness and better understanding of depression as a medical condition, for this campaign. The main objective of this campaign was to raise funds to support the Foundation’s advocacy, information, education and communication (IEC) program. To be current and appealing, Campaigns & Grey’s design abides by today’s minimalist fashion with merely a subtle reference to our advocacy. The agency collaborated with watchmaker, Happy Hour, on a design that is intended to lift the spirits of both wearer and spectator. The face of the timepiece features literally, a human face with two dots for eyes and hour/minute hands transforming into a smile or frown.

Advertising Agency: Grey, Singapore
Chief Creative Officer: Ompong Remigio
Art Directors: Natasha Bautista, Tina de Torres
Copywriter: Jameilee Que

IBM: Sand

An IBM invitation that involved a lot of sand. IBM was finding it increasingly difficult getting people to attend its seminars and conventions. Fewer and fewer wanted to travel and spend time out of office or home. So getting them to come to a new office opening seemed a task that had disaster written all over it. That was until Ogilvy came up with an invite with a difference. What invitees got was a large black box that contained a pouch of sand. Yes sand. The TA was instructed to pour the sand onto the enclosed plain white card and then read the message that appeared on it. How it worked was – the sand when poured and dusted off, got stuck to invisible gum on the white card, and revealed a message – “IBM Opens in Qatar”. An interactive device relevant to the desert city of Qatar. The task was very successful and had high recall. 340 invites were mailed out and 125 respondents attended. A 40% response rate. The entire exercise is now going to be replicated in other Middle Eastern markets.

Advertising Agency: Ogilvy & Mather, Bangalore, India
Chief Creative Officer: Piyush Pandey
Executive Creative Director: Ajanta Barker
Creative Directors: Gautam Dev, Arun KT
Art Director: Siju RS
Copywriter: Gautam Dev
Photographer: Sujith Bose
Client Servicing: Saji Mathews, Nita Grandhi, Pallavi Dutta, Karan Malhotra
Production: Manu Reddy, Naganandhan Rao

Eukanuba: Tail Advertising

Advertising Agency: Grey, Mexico